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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


Sharpen Your Mind Power
by Listening More To Your Inside as looking at the ourside

Let me first enumerate ways which diminish your mind power.

Your mind power is getting diminishing by too much sensory experience. Today there is so much which we are forced to look at. It is less making us think, but telling us what we should think and do. I talk about advertisement: Buy this and do that!

Watching TV stops us to sharpen our mind. It is rather debilitating our mind power. Look at one soap opera and you have seen them all. But there are a few moments, which is making us to continue watching. In the news they show atrocities. The worse things are the more interesting, isn’t it?

Today’s life, if you do not control what you are watching, is contra productive to the evolvement of your mind and mind power.

There is potential in our mind, which has to be sharpened to evolve. You cannot so much develop your mind power, if you put emphasize on material things.

If you wish to sharpen your mind and mind power, you should calm it and give more attention to the inner world. How well do you know yourself?

Many people have thought patterns, which have been and are influenced too much by the outside world in a way which is not helpful for them, but making them unhappy and feeling inferior. They rather let the outside world and others control them and their life as they are willing to listen to themselves and looking into themselves.

One of the reasons for this is that people are lacking self assuredness, which is a result of listening to much to the outside world: You have to be like this and you have to have that….then you are…What? How much are you looking at others and how much at yourself? As you are looking at others you compare yourself with others, which might end in envy, jealousy, and anger, which are all negative emotions..

Negative emotions become part of your inner world, but they are harmful. If you listen more to your inner self, you will feed positive emotions and improve your happiness. Being happy will calm you and if your mind is calm, you will see your world more clearly and as it really is and not as others want you to see it.

Become aware that you are living in your mind whereby a large part of your mind is imagination.
Happiness is in the inside and not at the outside. It is an emotional state which no one can give or take from you but yourself.

It is not matter, which makes us feel good and be happy, but the emotion of having certain matter. But that emotion is short lived. Matter is of importance in life, but it is not and should not be the main reason for happiness. Happiness should be unconditional.

If you are more thoughtful of yourself your thoughtfulness for others will grow and will improve your happiness.

There are industries who are eager to make more profit and they destroy nature and part of the world, not thinking that they destroy part of their own life. Not only people, but also industries should become more thoughtful.

Do not blame too much the industry, but yourself, when you do what they want you to do. Before you buy something, think about how that product was produced. Does the production of it destroy nature? Is the production ethically okay?

Sharpening your Mind Power starts with thinking and thoughtfulness and that includes controlling your thoughts. As you control your thoughts you also control your feelings, because every thought generates a certain feeling.



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