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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery



Prepare Yourself for Change
To prepare yourself for the new era you should get rid of the old to make space for the new. Get rid of old beliefs that were not helpful but rather held you back to achieve what you wanted and make place for new empowering beliefs.

As you get rid of old beliefs,
declutter everything else around you, your house and your personal items. It will be easier to reorganize your future when your present surrounding is organized.

The next step is to
imagine how you wish your future life to be, second: make a plan and third: vision your future. The third step is to find tools, which will enable you to make the changes you planned, that should first be done in the mind (conscious and subconscious mind) as this is the base for all the action needed.

The challenges of the future are a lot bigger as in the past and this is why we need self improvement guidance. One job (= one source of income) seems not to be enough to make the money we want and we have to keep up with future technology challenges. But we can impossibly work more as we already do. It is not about working more, but about getting the means to have as many tasks as possible done automatically or outsourced. Not only one but a number of sources of income will generate the income to make more than enough money to fulfill all your goals, wishes and desires.

Several new tools are helping to achieve what you so very much wish to bring into your reality. Self Improvement Tools: Visualizing and subliminals those tools and programs are easy to handle, are immensely powerful and take little time.

Start to change your life and advance with the offered helpful tools and you will be stunned about the result you will get and how quick everything will change. You must not think too much about the effort of changing. With tools like mind movies, hypnosis and subliminals your subconscious mind will be changed with almost no effort. As soon as your subconscious mind is programmed anew, your conscious mind will act upon your planned goals, wishes and desires. When you follow the steps starting with imagining, getting a vision of your future life, visualizing and acting upon your plan, you will have changed your belief system completely in less than a year from now and you will have reshaped your life profoundly.


Life Change from the inside out

When you want to change your life, start changing it from the inside and make neecessary changes at the outside. Your life change will then be fast.

Preparation for your life change

1. Make a plan about what you want to change in your life. Determine the existing state of yourself and your life and what you want to change.

2. Change Your Immediate Outside = all which surround you

2.1. Start with cleaning up your home. Clean up all rooms, especially your wardrobe, kitchen cabinets, the storage, the cellar and the garage.

Get rid of all which you didn’t need and have not used for a year or more, which is probably not functioning any more or is outdated. Do not throw old electronics, laptops, TVs, radios, mobile phones or cameras, to domestic waste. Think of the environment and how poisoning old electronics can be. Your children und grandchildren will profit. Give away or sell appliances which are functioning, bring the rest to a waste collection center.

Continue with your wardrobe. What you have not worne the last 2 years should be brought to the collection of old clothes. Then go through your apartment or house and decide what furniture has to go and what has to be renewed. Sell them or bring them to where waste is collected. There are companies who do that. Give them a call. There are companies who look at old furniture, determine what could be restored and sold and take care of the transportation away from your home.

You will be amazed how much better you will feel when your home is cleaned up.

2.2. Next step on your way to Prepare for your life change is renewal

Decide which rooms need new painting. Call a company doing it or do it yourself. Fresh painted rooms are refreshing. Your thinking will bcome clearer.
Decide if furniture needs restauration.

After your home is like new you will feel great. This is the first step of your life change.

3. Change your belief system
When you change only one of your beliefs your whole life will change. You have to change the proramming of your subonscious mind regarding this belief. Here I find subliminals very helpful.

If you want to reach a goal, you can try hard, but you will not succeed when your subconscious mind is not in line with your conscious mind. Bring your conscious and subconscious mind in line with your conscious goals and desires and you will easily and successfully form your life as you wish.

The opporunities to improve and change your life are manyfold. Look how you can plan your life to live it the way you really want to live.


4. The Structure of Your Life Change

Why structuring your life change

Have a great life, live in a beautiful home, live your life to the fullest, have a loving partnership and, if you want, wonderful children. To change your life and have all your wishes fulfilled, you hve to plan your future life no matter at what point in life you are. Every business venture is planned into detail, but only a few people think about planning their life. Plan your life. After you have made a detailed plan of the life you really want to live, you will know how to make a vision and then visualize it. - While you change your life don’t forget about others and their needs and care about the nature, as no money in the world can offer you clean air to breathe and clean natural and healthy food.

4.1. Image a better life
4.2. Plan a better life
4.3. Get a vision of a better life
4.4. Visualize a better life
4.5. Use supportive methods such as hypnosis and subliminals
4.6. Action.

4.1. Image a better life
You have to find out how you want to change your life. Think about it carefully. Sit or ly down, close your eyes, relax and brain storm about how you want to live.

4.2. Plan a better life
Plan your life change writing your life now, determine how you want your life to be in every aspect and then write down what you have to change that your life becomes the way you want it.
Why should you plan your Life Change?

If you don’t know the destination, you can’t plan a travel route. Are you going through life without knowing the destination? If you say in a restaurant, you don’t know what you want to eat, they should bring you anything, you have to be prepared that they bring something you dislike. Why take the risk? You always have the opportunity to choose the destination, so you know where to go. Take advantage of this opportunity. You have the choice on how you want to live. Don’t let your life pass by uncontrolled. Plan it! Every company has short, medium and long term plans. A life is much more complex as a company, but only a few people make plans. To be successful in life you need a definite life plan.

Make a list of what you want in life. What are your goals? What do you want to achieve. Give every wish on the list a priority and then make a short, a medium and a long term plan. The short term plan has goals you want to achieve in the coming 6 to 12 months. In the medium term plan you set goals you want to achieve in the coming 1 to 5 years. The long term plan has goals you want to achieve in 5 to 10 years or longer.

Change the Programming of Your Subonscious Mind

If you want to profoundly change your life, start with a general plan. This is the moment where you may say: “I want to change quite everything about myself and my life.” Then get into details and determine what and how exactly you want to change about yourself and your life and plan your life change. In the fine tuning of your life change plan, concentrate on each single wanted change and think about what is necessary to accomplish those changes.

You have decided to change your life, but you have not yet determined how exactly you want it to change and how to change it. Or you have tried to change your life, but you seem to be stuck and nothing you try to do works out. Only wanting to change your life is a wishful thinking that does not get you results.

Let me be frank at this point: “You have to dare more!” You will be surprised what a difference this makes. When you only think of little changes, you are not challenged. A little change is buying one new outfit. A big change is buying a new wardrobe. Doing the repair on old stuff can take more time and money as renewing everything.

When you plan to change your life, first determin what exactly you want to change, then determine what you have to do to make the planned changes. As a next step and this is very important: Consciously prepare yourself to change several aspects of yourself and your life. Each wanted and planned aspect of change is a goal. That means: Set your mind to what you want to achieve. Know about the coexistance of the conscious and the subconscious mind. When the subconscious mind is not in line with your consciously set goals, it is very difficult to accomplish them. As soon as the subconscious mind is in line with your goals, it will be easy to reach them.

Change the programming of your conscious and subconscious mind to get results.

To make your life change work out, you have to reprogram your subconscious mind that it is in line with your consciously set plan. When programmed right, your subconscious mind will assist you to get what you want.

Changes of the programming of your subconscious mind is done as it was programmed and that is by repetition. To accomplish the reprogramming of your subconscious mind take advantage of subliminal recordings.

The mprogramming of your subconscious mind is in all cells of your body. See the brain as the hardware and the mind as the software. When part of the hardware of a PC is damaged, the software does not work anymore. When part of the human brain got damaged, some other part of it takes over and learns the task of the damaged part. A computer has to be replaced after a couple of years. The human mind is getting better with age.

When you use your conscious mind intelligently, the brain builds up as muscles when you work out. The brain is an information processing system, containing neurons (nerve cells), that are connected through synapses. The number of synapses grow, and synapses also die. Our mind is consciously and unconsciously fed and influenced. You can control with what you influence your mind by the choice of what you read, watch, feel, smell and taste. But you are also influenced beyond control. For example, while you are shopping in a mall, you hear what others say, though it takes repetitions that something gets deep into your mind and would change the programming of your subconscious mind. When you hear an advertisement repetitively, your subconscious mind is influenced. When you go shopping you most probably will buy the advertised item or take into consideration to buy it. All what is perceived with our senses is saved in our mind and influences us.

You can’t change the entire programming of your subconscious mind at once. Make a list of all aspects that you want to change. Give each aspect a priority and then start to change one aspect at a time. Start to change the first aspect on your priority list in your subconscious mind until you get used to it and/or it becomes a habit. It takes a minimum of 21 days to get used to something new. But it can takes months and sometimes years. When you use a subliminal to change one aspect of yourself, you have to listen to it daily for about 30 days and then listen to it again from time to time.

Basics of Your Life Change Plan

Planning Your Life is as important as the planning a company.

Plans and planning is part of management. The principles are the same, no matter if you manage a company or your life.

Companies, organisations and large households have a management, you probably manage your own company and your household. Before anything else you have to manage your life.

What is Life Management

The result of management is the accomplishment of desired goals and objectives. Management includes planning, organizing. leading and directing and planning of the use of human, financial, technological, and natural resources. Human resources include the use of your abilities, skills and opportunities (comprising knowledge from school, out of school trainings, books, magazines, newspapers, online reading material and talks with others).

Life Management comprises planning, organizing, using helpful means and tools, leading or directing and controlling all about you and your life or efforts for the purpose of accomplishing your goals. Important in life management is the planned use of your born resources (natural resources), all means and tools available on the market (technological resources), the money you have available to make things happen (financial resources) and human resources (teachers, family, friends, employees, suppliers of services).

Be aware that the human mind and body is a highly advanced system. And one shall never underestimate his image. Get a vision (image) of yourelf, your style and your behavior. There are many methods to attain a change of your image.

Planning: Decide what has to be done to make your life change (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next 5 years, and longer time goals) and generating plans to take action.
Find out what recourses and methods can be used to achieve your life change.
Outsource tasks or hire personal which does easy tasks.
Each month and once a year compare your plan with the with what you have accomplished and make corrections in your plan if necessary.

Life Management - The Planning Phase

Start your Life Management with general planning and include all aspects of your life. Do this in written form. You then make detailed plans of what you want to change in your life.

After you have determined what exactly you want to change, make first the changes in your mind and reprogram your subconscious mind that it gets in line with you consciously set plans.

Imagine how you want to live

Changes are never easy. Strangely the most difficult change is to shift to an improvement as you break through barriers. We are so very used to life an average life and are more prepared to changes that are worse as to life changes that are better as before. How easy it is to live with a little less and again a little less, but when someone suddenly has a lot, he very often can’t deal with it. People who made a lot of money lose it almost over night. Oh yes, this is true. When someone makes money quickly he loses it almost as quickly as he made or gained it.

It is the same as with losing a lot of weight quickly. It quickly is back as your body had no time to get used to the new feeling of yourself. When you decide to achieve a positive change, you will have to go through a time of unease until you got used to the change, to feel more successful, happier and/or healthier This time of unease can take three weeks and sometimes months. To not quickly fall back into your old mediocre life, it is better to make changes step by step or focus to change one aspect of your life after the other.

Imagining alone does not create a villa with swimming pool or a penthouse with a large terrace, plus a luxury car. It is a first step to find out what youwant in your life. In a dream or when imagining everything is permitted and everything is possible. When you imagine, imagine big, go beyond your limitations and delete the word never out of your vocabulary. When you consciously think that something might not be possible to accomplish, then tell yourself that there are ways you can accomplish it, you just don’t know yet how you will do it. Do not worry about how you will accomplish anything you are imagining.

Here are some examples about what you should dwell on in the Imagining Phase

In your imagination see your dream-home, which you would like to own. Imagine that house, build it as big as you like. Furnish it with furniture of your choice, put in all electronic devices you can possibly think of, even when that device does not yet exist. Believe that it will soon be available.

Imagine your partner, think of the way he should behave toward you, how he behaves toward others, how he looks. How much time do you want him to spend with you? What do you want to do together with him?

Imagining your life change is the first step after you realised that you want to change something about yourself and your life and you do not know precisely what and how you want to change your life and what you want to change about yourself. You should go through the list in Plan Your Life Change, to determine what general aspects of your life you want to change. But to find out how exactly you want your life to be, you have to find out by imagining your innermost dreams. Imagining your dream life is crucial. Know that all you are able to imagine you can achieve, all you can imagine is already there, you only have to perceive it. More about this you will read in Visioning your Life Change. But first you have to find out what you really want to perceive and therefore imagining is an important step.

Go through the list
1. What is most important to you? Your life philosophy! Is t rich to enjoy the material world or is it rich to enjoy the abundance of nature?
2. How do you want to spend your day?
What preparation do you need to accomplish every point of the changes you want to make in your life? Do you need more knowledge, more training?
3. How much money do you need? Do you want a certain monthly income? Or do you want to have a certain amount of money well invested?
4. Which habits do you want to change? Eating habits, maybe stop a smoking habit, eliminating to never again get angry? Think about all your habits to find out which one you want to eliminate and with what habit you want to replace it.
5. What do you want to accomplish in your life? When imagining this point, try to see yourself in the last years of your life thinking back at all the great things you have done.
6. In what emotional state would you like to be? Would you like to be calm and in harmony with yourself and the rest of the world most of the time? Or do you want to feel happiness through and through that you sometimes jump of joy? What emotions do you feel often that you want to eliminate and with what emotions do you want to replace them?
7. How do you want to look? What dressing style would be best for your new you? What about your haircut? Do you need to lose weight?
8. Do you want a partner, a family and how many children?

While we go to school it seems that the most important thing we have to get clear about is the profession we want to learn, which is actually the last important to figure out. First you should determine how you want to live. Then you should find out what profession suites to this life style.

What you should know when you imagine

Imagination is stronger than Action

From where will the money come from? It will not fly toward you out of the nothing. You must get active to earn way more moneyas you can imagine now. The magic formula is SMI, which stands for system of multiple sources of income. Sounds like a lot of work, but it’s not. You must not worry about this yet. You will learn it.. Continue imagining how you want to spend your day, whereby part of it will be hard work.

You will no longer have to force yourself to go to work, you will have joy to go toward your big goal, which is to make a fortune and be able to fulfill all your wishes.

Did you ever think about your thoughts or do you just have your thoughts come and go? Do you have bad thoughts and what are you doing about them. What about supportive thoughts? Can you imagine how much your life would change, if you only have great and positive thoughts.

Our time and energy is limited, that we can impossibly make a fortune with hard work. He have to build up a system of multiple incomes.

Continue imagining all you really want in your life without setting any limitations. After the imagining phase you will be lead to make a vision and then plan all you need to do to realize your imaginations.


We let it randomly happen to be influenced from our parents, friends, school and especially by the media. We watch films on TV, have the radio run, regularly listen to the news and are not aware of being sucked into the mass hysteria of negative reports. We do not think how much that influences our life negatively.

We must rethink, must change our mindset, and this we can only achieve with the help of someone who goes the path which we do not even dare to imagine yet. Somewhere deep in ourselves we have the wish to live in abundance of money, health, happiness, being in a loving relationship, be able to travel anytime and wherever we wish. But something is holding us back to have our dreams fulfilled. There is so much poverty, despair, anxiety, unhappiness and sickness, although all that has to do with our thinking patterns. But how to change that? This is why we need help from a coach, a book, CD, DVD or the internet. Thanks to the internet, we have the opportunity to choose what our senses perceive, which will be reflected in our lives. Do choose and choose well.

What we hear, read, see and what surrounds us, has a profound impact on our mind, our decisions and the results. Imagine you have a program which provides you with the ability to set goals, which you believed were unattainable for you, assists you to reach them by changing your attitudes and your convictions fundamentally and provides you with a key to make all your dreams come true.

Understand that all, which is negative, can be eliminated from your mind and your life. While imagining your life, skip all you don’t want, as you should not bring it with you into your new life.

After imagining your future life, sit down and make notes. Then go to visioning your life. Visioning several times a day is important as your thoughts are energy and everything you perceive in your life is energy that got into a specific form. Every thought you think and dwell on will get into form. That is why you should be careful what you think and it is important to know exactly what you will be visioning and that is why planning your life well is so very important.


Get a vision of a better life
Get a vision of the life you want to live and keep it in your mind

Get A Vision Of Your Life Change

You have imagined all aspects of your life and determined how you really want to live, you got to plan every detail and make short, medium and long long term plans. After you have imagined what you want, make a vision of your desired future life, visions of all aspects of your life.

As you were imagining, you tried to figure out what you want in life and what you could expect of life and in planning you will determine what you have to change to achieve your life goals. In visioning you make a vision of your desired future.

Do not underestimate this point of your successful life change, as the vision of your desired future life is the basis for planning and visualizing.

Become a visionaire creating a vision about your future life. Your vision should include:
- Your dream home
- the (maximum of the) income you wish to earn
- your appearance
- all your wishes
- all that is important to you,
- and include your family, friends and all people, whom you like and who are important to you.

When you are imagining, planning and visioning, forget all limitations, let your most audacious wishes into your vision and set your creativity free. As in dreaming, also in visioning all is possible. When you imagine your vision then do it as big and fantastic as you are able to. Collect photos and images (e.g. from the Internet) and make a wish video and watch it daily.)

Our thoughts are vibrating energy, we can create anything we want by focusing our thoughts on the very thing we want. Everything else is taken care of by the law of attraction. We are what we think.

How can you keep your thoughts on what you really want and not continuously going back into problem-thinking?
The simplest way to hold a mental picture or whatever you desire as long and as often as possible is seeing it and having it in front of your inner eye. This is done by mind movies. With the software of mind movies you can change the transparency and you can play your own mind movie, which will lie almost unseen above whatever you work on, your unconscious mind will soak it in.

The more often you see and think of your wishes you want to have realised, you will more and more feel as if you already have what you want, until your believe becomes a certainty, then you will see what you wished in your real life.

Get a Vision of your dream home

You have to have a clear vision of your dream home. Be precise about where you want to live. How big your future home should be. Is it a house or an apartment? Imagine every room and every detail and make a vision of it. Write everything down, make drawings of all rooms including all objects (furniture, decor). Think of colors and the combination of colors, as this is of paramount importance for your well-being. The same applies for materials used. Of course you also have to choose a style. While you are visioning do not think about costs, as you would limit your possibilities in advance. Think that when you need it you will have more than enough money. = This is what you are visioning for!!!

Drawing your visions could be helpful as you could make three-dimensional drawings. In the Internet you find sketching programs to download for free. Look in magazines and books, showing beautiful and luxurious living and furnishings, and cut out photos and images which are near to your vision (Use them on Vision Boards and scan them into your PC to use them in your Mind Movie). Very important: Describe all your visions in present tense. Then attach your drawings, images and photos onto a picture frame or a pin-board and position it somewhere, where you often see it. Whenever you look at it, you will be reminded of your vision – your goals and wishes and it will enter deeper into your subconscious mind.

The combination of your Mind Movie with your Vision-Board will be absolutely powerful to bring your vision into your reality fast. Basically all you wish, exists already, though you have to perceive it.

Get a Vision of your desired income

There is no millionair or billionair who made his fortune with one salary. You must have more than one resource of income. You find inspirations about multiple incomes under Success Coaching . Or look at: The THRILLIONAIRES (a Social Site for people, who want to live an Extraoridnary Life) They offer trainings directed to achieve the goal of earning multiple incomes.

Get a Vision of your appearance

Before anyone else believes in you, you have to believe in yourself. With other words: When you don’t believe into yourself, how should anyone else do that? That others believe that you are a wealthy person and treat you like it, you have to have a certain appearance and should radiate being wealthy. Acters, singers and musicians, who are or want to become successful, have a stylist, who creates an image for them. The stylist creates a certain style of the clothes and hair for the celebrity and studies with him/her the way they move, talk and behave.

Thanks to the internet you easily can look for an idol and get more information of the chosen personality. Though, do not copy an other person, but rather find your own style and create your own image. And then make a vision of it.

Live with your vision of your desired future life in mind

After you have chosen all important facts of your future life, which is: to have created a vision, live it, dress, move, speak and behave exactly as the person you want to be. Play your Mind Movie as often as you can. Look at your vision-board several times a day. Appreciate what you have visioned and look forward with joy. Following this formula will draw all you need into your reality and your vision will become reality fast.


Visualize a better life
You keep the vision of your desired life visualizing it daily.

Trying to change your life with willpower is hard. The reason for this is that your subconscious mind is programmed for the life you live now. To change your life you have to get your subconscious mind in line with your consciously made life changing plans, including all your wishes and desires.

You first have to know what you want in life. It is said that what you are able to imagine you can achieve. Write down all you want, get a precise vision of it and hold this vision. You do this by repeating your vision, which is done with visualizing.


Life Change Starts With A Decision

You do not need to know, how to change your life. You only need to know what you want and make a decision and you will start to get active. The reason is that the decision has the function of a motor.

If you want to change your life, you have to start making a decision. The decision will ignite all there has to be done.

It stops people doing what they want, when they don’t know how. But you don’t need to know how to reach a goal. It is about the decision to reach it.

You need to know the destination, to get there. This means that you need to know what you want and make the decision to achieve it. If you decide to reach a goal, your frequency of vibration will rise and this makes things start rolling.

You have to understand that it is your frequency of vibration, which draws things toward you or holds them away from you. With a certain frequency of vibration you perceive certain things and others not.

Everything vibrates with a certain frequency. Each person vibrates in a certain bandwidth. You perceive everything which vibrates in this bandwidth. If you change your frequency of vibration your life changes, because you perceive certain things and others not. This is why the law of vibration is above the law of attraction.

If you are depressed, things will appear darker and you are surrounded by likewise people. Just look with whom successful people meet and who surrounds people, who have no goals and who are not getting anywhere.

But let us get back to decision making. If you want to change your life, you have to decide to do so. You have to make a decision about what you want to change. You will then almost automatically start to get active into the right direction.

Most people think that as they don’t know, how to do something, how to make a certain change or that a certain goal is to difficult to reach, they don’t decide making this change or reaching that goal. If you make a decision that you are going to do something about an aspect of your life, and it doesn’t matter if it is about making more morey, losing weight, getting fit or having a better relationship, you will get goint and step by step you will achieve what you have decided.

The first to men, who reached the peak of the Mount Everest, made the decision to reach it and he did together with some others. “We conquered the limitations that are within ourselves,” they said.

Edison did not know how to make a light bulb. He only knew he will do it. It took him 1000 tests. When the Write brothers started to fly, they did not know how. Von Braun said, to go to the moon takes the will to do it. But it starts with a decision.


Manifest Your Life Change

A manifesting system to manifest your life you have planned to live is a process of mental exercises, physical actions and emotional conditioning. Implementing the system you will attract all your desires into your life and accomplish your goals that you have set in your Life Change Plan.

You can learn the art and extraordinary science of manifesting to turn your life change plan into reality. Well, it actually is not a science, it is based on universal laws that are ancient wisdom, but also known today by quantum physics.

All successful people have used a manifesting system, some of them knew it instinctively, others didn’t. Bob Proctor says that he did not know what made him earn as much money in a year as he used to in a months, when he changed his profession from being a fireman to have his own company that was cleaning offices. Years later he found out that he was manifesting his success without knowing it. As he has got to know the power of the manifesting system, he made more and more money as a success coach and he has multiple sources of income. If you know how to manifest also you will suddenly become very successful.

You have uncountable opportunities to be successful, prosperous and happy and it is on you to choose what you want to materialize. If you do not focus on manifesting what you want to draw into your life anything can and will happen. This is what happens to people who have no knowledge of planning, visualizing and manifesting their dream life.

You have to get and stay active to not lose momentum in materializing your planned life changes: that means that your plans will be transformed into reality through the combination of watching your own mind movie and following your plans activly.

Thoughts, visualizations and meditations, plus physical actions, will change your vibration into the successful vibration, which is necessary to achieve your life goals. First results you will get soon after you began to apply that manifesting system and you will be manifesting your goals, wishes and desires at an ever increasing rate.

I emphasize that you should make a list of all the changes you plan to make and give each a priority, to then bring one aspect of your planned life change after the other into reality. Stay on your result oriented path to manifesting your dream life and accomplish your goals.

Manifest Your Life Change into Reality through a Step by Step Process of Mental Exercises, Physical Actions and Emotional Conditioning. You will ultimately attract your wishes, desires and goals into your life in the minimum of time that is necessary.

You can use wish videos over and over again. Whenever you have a new wish, you make a new wish video.

Do not let anyone talk you out of your goals, protect your goal planning from adverse intentions from others to reach your goals with certainty and undisturbed. You also can customize your own manifesting system, which has it’s specific importance as you should individualize the manifesting system into your way of doing things.

Understand the history and science behind manifesting to get better manifesting results, learn the stages of the manifesting system and learn to combine them to enhance the power of manifesting your goals set in your life change plan.

After some time of using mind movies you will almost automatically reach your goals that you set in your life change plan and finally live the life you really want to live.

You can keep a journal to set up your manifesting plans and watch how long it takes to manifest a wish.

The secret to successfully manifesting your goals is the right emotional vibration that finally creates continuous progress in your life change.

Change Your Life This Year

What would you like to change about your life this year?
Start to make plans now, so you can start with the process of change with the first of the New Year.

Make a list of all areas of your life, look at it and think what you would like to improve or change fully.

Your professional life
What would you like to Change about Your Professional Life
Are you happy with your work? If yes, great! If no, think about looking for work that you love. If you have a work you love, you will work more efficiently and even if you work hard and long hours, you will not feel drained.

What would you like to change about your company
In case you have an own company: What would be good to change?
Examples: Improve customer care. Make more advertisement. Change the philosophy of your company and with it the advertisement. Change your logo. Change the colors of your company. Organise a coaching evening for all your employees. Think about how to motivate your employees to work more efficiently.

What would you like to Change about your Private Life

Relationship: What would you like to change about your relationship?
If you are in a relationship: Plan to give your partner more often a compliment. Plan to leave a nice message on the refrigerator for your partner. Plan to go out together more often. Plan to give your partner a day of from you and go out, while your partner can decide what to do himself/herself. Plan to give your partner a gift out of the blue.

Would you like to have a partner or improve your partnership?
Partner: Go out more often to meet new people. Try an online dating service. Start doing some sports where you can meet new people, for example got to a gym and if you do, change the gym.

Children: What would you like to change about the relationship with your children?
Do you have children? Are you spending enough time with them? Are you playing games with them? Plan to have a good talk with each of your children at least once a week. See, if they need help with their learning. Motivate them in a nice way to become better at school.

Friends: What about your friends? When did you contact your best friends the last time? Plan to give a party and invite all of them.

Would you like to live healthier? Change your body shape?
Healthy Eating and Workout: What about your health? Are you eating healthy? Do you need to lose weight and workout more? Make a plan to lose weight and one to workout more. Are you having daily some time to relax?

Leisure time: Do you daily have some leisure time? Or at least once a week? Plan reading a book on a subject that interests you. Think about starting with a new hobby.

Learning: What about learning something new? Think about learning a foreign language. Think about learning more about your special or a new interest.

Think about what else you might want to change.


Start Changing Your Life on December 21
Here is why:

Change your life starting on December 21 and not with the New Year or in January. A new cycle starts on December 21. This is the day when the nights are decreasing and the days are getting longer. There is no better time as to start it that day.

How should you plan to change your life?

First find out what you want to change and segment the changes in monthly increments. Take a piece of paper or open a new word file. Divide the page in half with a vertical line in the middle of the page. On the left side write what you want to change and on the right side how you want to have it changed, meaning the result.

Go through all aspects of your life and figure out what you want to change.

Private Life

Your health, your body, face, hair.
Do you want to change anything about your partnership?
Do you have enough leisure time, time for fun, to spend with family or friends, for sports, to relax?
What about your apartment or house? Does your home need any repair or new paint, some new furniture? Or do you want to move to a bigger home?
Do you want or need a new car?
Do you want to change anything else about your private life?

Professional Life

Do you want to do anything else as you do now?
Do you want to change your job?
Do you want to make more or maybe even a lot more money?
Do you want to have your own company?
Or do you have an own company and want to raise the profit?
Do you have any problems in your professional life that you want to solve?

Action #1
Make a list of all things you want to change and all goals you want to reach.

Action #2
Write down the result of the change you want to achieve

Action #3
Give a priority to each result of what you want to change in your life.

Action #4
Get a new piece of paper or open a new word file and write for each item of you want to change in your life the necessary action to achieve the wanted result. Call it the Main To-Change-List. Yes, this takes some time, but it is absolutely essential. How do you want to achieve a change in your life, if you don’t know what you have to do to really achieve these changes.

Now go through the list and find every change, which takes longer than a month. For example, if you want to lose weight and you have far more than ten pounds to lose, this is a long term goal. Plan to not lose more than one pound a week.

You will have goals on your list, which take more than one month to achieve, some even longer. It can take years to get a PhD or to learn a language. Start changing long term goals now, take them on your first to-change-list and transfer them to the to-change-list in the months to come.

Habits, you want to change. You have to replace a bad habit with a good one. Some you will change during the first month. For some habits it will take longer until you have changed them. Don’t force yourself to do something too quick. If you force yourself, you might go back to the bad habit and give up changing it.

Action #5
Now make a plan about how and when to achieve your goals, change your habits and get your wishes fulfilled.

Take your main list with what you want to change and find what is easily and quickly changed, plus everything that you can change until end of January.

As you have made a change, cross it out on your main to-change-list. Take it again at the end of January to cross out what you have done and make a plan for the next easy items on your list for February.

Easy things done first

Your main to-change-list will get shorter, if you change the easy things first. You will show yourself to get things done. And then this is about manifesting and with each manifested goal or wish, it will be easier to manifest. Believe me, it is a lot better to do it step by step, month by month. Would you try to change too much at a time, the chance of failure is big.

With each accomplished change, it will get easier to achieve the next change. Focus on a few things you want to change in your life and be sure that you will change them and stick to the changes.

Take your first monthly to-change-list. You have ten days to the end of the year, plus the whole January to start with the first changes and then the full January. During this time you will accomplish your first changes.

What you can do to make it easy to change your life

Find at least one photo online that represents the result of what you want to change till end of January. Then make a Mind Movie.

Action #6
Start to get active, which means, do what you have planned to do to change the things that you have on your first to-change-list. Plus, look at your Mind Movie #1 at least twice a day. Be certain that you will achieve your changes. Imagine the results of your first short term to-change-list when you go to bed in the evening and in the morning, right after you woke up.

At the end of January, look at your January to-change-list and on your main to-change-list and cross out what you have achieved. Don’t think about it, if you haven’t reached each change you had planned. Write changes that you haven’t achieved on top of your to-change-list for February and add a couple of things you want to change from the main to-change-list. Make a Mind Movie and continue as in January. Make a new plan in March and in each month to come.

Live as if you have already changed everything on your main to-change-list. When you get used to the changes in your mind, it will be much easier to then really change them.


Change Your Life in 30 Days

You can change your life in less than 30 days. Would this be possible, you would do it, right? It is possible!

The only forumla to change your life in less than 30 days is to think positive and feel good without exceptions.

You say that we are not programmed to just think positive and feel good around the clock.

But what if you would give it a try. Start to make a list of all, which makes you feel good. Wouldn’t this list get long? While you do that, get yourself into a feel positive and feel good attitude. As you have to think what makes you feel good, this will not be difficult.

What about hearing some soothing music or rhythmic music, which makes you be in a good mood.

Go for a walk in between. You will definitely feel good while you walk. If you can, walk in a park or somewhere in the nature and if you live in town, look at the architecture of the buildings which you walk by, look into the windows of the shops, at the style in which the window is decorated and the goods that are offered.

After you are back home you could take a bath with a nice scent or prepare a delicious dinner.

Have a great months, while you change your life the way you really want it!

Pass the Time of Discomfort while you make a life change

If you decide to change your life, you have to know that you will go through some time of discomfort. Everything you start to do that differs from a habit, will be uncomfortable until it becomes a habit and so has replaced the former habit. With every change you will go through a time of discomfort.

If you decide to change your life, you have to know that you will go through ups and downs that are out of your reach. At least it will seem to be out of your reach.

There will be times of discomfort and times you will struggle and maybe there will be moments where you think about giving up. Know that success often comes at a moment of some crisis. The path to success is like a street with many tunnels. You have to pass them to reach the top. Never consider to give up.

To know the path of success, you have to plan where to go. What is your destination, the final result you want to accomplish? What do you have to do to get there? Sit down and brainstorm about it. Write down all what comes into your mind. And start with the first step today. While you go on following your plan, read it again from time to time and examine if every single step is right or if you have to change the path. Doing that, you will be visualizing what you still have to do to reach your gaol. Be and stay flexible. And never stop to go ahead.

If you stay focused on the final result and if you use support of means such as wish videos, hypnosis and subliminals, your subconscious mind will work with you and will try to find shortcuts. If you get your subconscious mind in line with your consciously set goals, everything will be much easier. Be prepared that opportunities will be offered to you that will make it possible for you to reach your goal faster. But still you will be facing times of discomfort again and again. Know that when you reach the point of discomfort, you could reach the long awaited breakthrough.

Always keep your focus on the final result and keep on going being concentrated on what lies in front of you. It is like driving. You know where you are going, you are looking in front. Only from time to time you might check the rear-view mirror. The point where you are is the least important to watch, even though you have to be prepared for a child or an animal crossing the street and you would have to make a full stop, but only to prevent an accident. Immediately after the child or animal has passed the street, you continue driving, your destination in mind.

Long before you reached your first life change goal, have a new goal and a plan how to reach it. Never get to a stop. Do not forget that change is inevitable. Everything constantly changes. Make things change the way you want it to change. Again you will go through times of discomfort. You will change many beliefs and replace old habits with new and better once.

Always try to do your best. Do not compare yourself with others, but compare with your recent performance and make sure to be better. You will increase your abilities and grow. What you believe impossible today, will get easy tomorrow.


All Thoughts which Make You Feel Good Change Your Life

Have you made a list with all thoughts, which make you feel good? If you haven’t done so, do it right after you finished reading this article. It will change your life!

You have to do some thinking while you do that. Ask yourself: “What makes me feel good?”

Start with what you have experienced already, where you are certain that you really enjoy it and all what makes you realy feel good.

  Meeting with friends and chatting
  Shopping for clothes and shoes
  Swimming in a pool with warm water
  Being on vacation in a beach resort
  Having a full body massage
  Having leisure time and just reading a book
  Walking through Venice in the night
  Your list will get long.

You must not finish this list today. It will rather take weeks, until your list of all which makes you feel good will be quite long. Have a notepad with you and whenever something comes into your mind, make a note of it. You might remember things you loved to do that made you feel real great, but you had forgotten them. When I think back, I remember quite a few things I enjoyed very much.

Then start with a second list and write down everything you would like to do, but haven’t done yet. Situations which make you feel good when you think of it.

  Travelling around the world.
  Being dressed with designer dresses and shoes and feeling the high qualitmaterial of which they are made.
  Having a chauffeur and not having to look for a parking anymore
  Spending the winter somewhere where it is summer
  Working from home as long as I enjoy
  Having a cleaning lady

Print out several copies of these two “feel good” lists. Put one aside of your bed, one on to your breakfast table, one on to your couch table, have one in your car, one in your handbag or jacket.

Look at these feel good lists at least once a day. Point to any of the items on the list and think of it. Close you eyes and visualize it. Get really into the feeling of it until you feel real good.

It is beast starting your day doing this. The thought of what makes you feel good will accompany you throughtout the day. End the day looking at your list. Read a few items and visualize these situations, which you enjoy so much.

This practise will absolutely change your life, because with every thought, which makes you feel good, you will get into a higher frequency of vibration, and you will get more and more of it into your reality. You will become a happier person as you think mostly thoughts, which make you feel good. It is joyous thoughts, which will make you a joyous person.

Doing this daily will raise your frequency of vibration continuously, which will change your life to the better, which will fulfil all your wishes, which will help you achieve your goals, which will make everything you have to do much easier.

If you understand that you make your life what it is with your thoughts and the more positive thoughts and thought, which make you feel good you think, the more your life will improve.

Enjoy each day thinking about what makes you feel good!

Feel Good to Get What You Want and Change Your Life as You Want

To Change Your LIfe successfully you have to feel good. You can only feel good, if you let go, meaning that you let go of what you believe you have to do even though you dislike it.

And at the same time allow yourself to think and do what you enjoy. Have you ever allowed yourself to leave everything and make yourself a day where you only do what you want? You can’t do that every day until you have changed your life in a way that you can do what you really like.

What an advice! you say. Who knows what could happen.

Imagine that everything is imagined from you and as you made all you have to do and dislike with your thoughts, you can change your life thinking and then doing what you enjoy.

You need to make money. We are so very programmed that we have to work to make money, which we need to pay our bills and to afford to fulfil some of our wishes. Okay, so you have to work. But there are many people who really love their work. The most rich people love their work. Are you having a work which you love so much that you donÄt want to do anything else? That you forget the time when you are working and someone has to tell you that it is time to go for dinner?

Rich people don’t work as hard as poor people. So making a lot of money is not about hard work. It is about loving your work.

But let us not only talk about work. We are having some other needs to survive, such as food and moving our body. Do you eat right? You are eating right if you have a good figure, be healthy and feel good. What holds you from eating right? You know that natural and organic food is healthy food, but you mostly eat industrially produced food, which you are used to, especially the taste, which is industrially produced and was added to the food.

When you go shopping for foods, think of healthy food, buy natural food, which is meat or fish and vegetables in the first place. You will feel so much better. And to live a better life you just have to feel better. This is easy to understand, but so few people follow that advice. What is more important: a better life or tasty food?

We have to do some workout to feel good. If you are a couch potatoe, you might say that you feel so good just to sit there, have a drink and watch TV or something on your computer. But would you workout five times a week, you would feel so much better. Wonna try? You should!

How would you feel would most of your wishes be fulfilled? Of course you would feel better! If you make yourself feel good, so good as you feel after your wishes are fulfilled, you will start to be able to fulfil all your wishes.

Remember, the thoughts make you get into a certain feeling, the feelings lets you get into a certain frequency of vibration and this frequency of vibration lets you perceive your world in the way you thought. It is a circle that doesn’t stop the moment you get in.

Most people are in a devil’s circle. They start with not so good thoughts, thought of what they believe they have to do and this is the beginning of a life which those people don’t want to be living. If you are in such a devil’s circle, change your thinking to change your life.


Life Change to live as you want

Change Your Life To Live As You Want
Start To Live As You Want And things will start to work out as you want. The belief that you can live as you want will change your frequency of vibration, which is the most important factor in your life change.

Start To Live As You Want And Your Life Will Change

Learn to control your life and condition yourself to stay in control.

Most people do what they believe is awaited from them and often forget what they really want. They watch the news and adjust to what they hear. If the economy is in a recession, they spend less money, which is the reason that the economy gets worse.
No matter what is said in the news, concentrate your thoughts on what you want. If you focus your thoughts on losing something, you quite probably will. If you focus your thoughts on achieving a goal, you will achieve it. If you start to live your life as you want, things will get into its place and you will live as you want.

Let me point out some important facts. There is always good and bad. The Law of Polarity declares that there is good and bad in anything. If there is a little good, there is only a little bad. If something is very bad, it is very good. Look for the good and you will find it.
Whatever happens, don’t let it control you! Accept it! Always look for the good. If you concentrate on the good, you will give energy to it and it will grow. If you have to face an obstacle in your career, accept it as a challenge that could get you to the next level.

If you have big problems and you think a lot about these problems, your problems will get bigger, as you give energy to the situation of having problems. You attract what you think about most.

Everything constantly changes. It is upon you how you want your life to change. Focus on improvements and let the improvements grow.

What is it that some people get very rich and so many others stay poor and struggle to survive throughout their lives?

Each thought has a certain frequency. If you think that it is difficult and almost impossible to get rich, you certainly will not get rich. Your thought is not focused on getting rich, but that it is difficult. If you think that you will get rich no matter what, you will get rich fast. The negative thought will be responsible that you are in a low frequency of vibration, while the positive thought will raise your frequency of vibration.

A low frequency makes you feel heavy. You will need to put effort to get going. A high frequency will make everything easier. There is a big difference between being in a low or in a high frequency. How can you get into a higher frequency?

Focus your thoughts on what you want and brush away every thought that is not helpful to live as you want to. If you hear negative news, be certain that this is not part of your life and don’t make it be part of your life.

Each thought initiates a certain feeling, each feeling triggers a certain frequency in which you vibrate. You just can’t perceive an object or a situation if you are not on the a frequency of vibration that is in a certain bandwidth. It is the same as with a radio. You can’t hear the music from a certain radio channel if the radio is not turned on the frequency of that channel.

If what you want is only a wish or hope, it will not manifest. You have to start doing things to make them be part of your reality. The moment you get active your frequency of vibration will change and your life will change. To illustrate this: If you want to see a movie on TV and hope to see it somehow, you will miss the movie. You have to switch on the TV and find the right channel to see the movie.

If you wish to have another job or your own company and just think half heartedly about that, you will not get another job and your company will stay a wish. As soon as you send out your CV or get a domain for your online business, things will change.

What could hold you back to not get active? It is a block, a false belief. You have to change this belief to get on. You must belief that you get a better job or that you will be successful with your company.

You must believe without any doubt to get what you want. You must believe without any doubt that you can live as you want. You must believe without any doubt that you can make more than enough money to live as you want.

You change a belief on the conscious level. The moment a certain belief is set in the subconscious mind, you must not focus on it anymore and not be aware of it.

Do you believe without any doubt that you can live as you want? If yes, then start to plan and begin to live as you want.

As already mentioned, your thinking controls and changes the frequency in which you vibrate and this will change you life. As you change your thoughts, you will change the underlying belief. If you believe that you can get rich in a relatively short time, things will start rolling and after a relatively short time you will really live as you want to.

You have the choice, you only have to determine how you want to live and then go for it. Think about what you have to do to live as you want and get active. Do what has to be done. The moment you get yourself go, things will become easier and easier.

Make that decision to live as you want and start living as you want. Get active to live the life you want to live.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life

One small step can change your life. If you make it a habit to make one small step of your life change each day your life will change significantly

 small step can change your life significantly. With one step into a different direction one thought that differs from the usual, one habit change or the change of one belief you possibly make a quantum jump into one of the innumerable parallel universes.

Let us thin what small step you could make and how this small step could change your life.

You plan to make a new friend. You can look for this person in the internet or go out and talk to people in a mall or in a small restaurant-bar. To get to know a new person will bring new ideas into your life and can change your horizon.

You read a book, which could change your thinking in many ways.

You don’t take the same way to work twice in two consecutive days.
When you always take the same way to work, it became a habit and when you take another way to work the first time in months or even years, you will feel discomfort as you are not used to take another way to work. The benefit to take another way to work is that you see another environment and something changes in your mind as you break a habit. Would you go back to take your old ways to work daily, you haven’t changed this habit. Would you start to change your way to work from time to time, you got a new habit. Taking another way you might miss something which happened on your regular way to work. The life exists of a series of missed opportunities. You always have uncountable possibilities, but you can only choose one.

You get up a little earlier to have more time for breakfast and arrive at work without being stressed out. Your overall wellbeing might rise.
You might use the time you got up earlier to work out. As a result your body would get better shaped and you might lose some body fat.

You stop one negative habit.
You might stop smoking. As a result you would become healthier and live longer. You might stop to speak negatively about others. As a result your overall wellbeing would rise. You might stop nagging. This is not easy if you are used to constantly be nagging about something. And if you replace the nagging with saying something positive, your happiness will rise and so your overall wellbeing.

You eat a little less as you are used to.
When you eat a little less, you will experience some hunger during the first few days, but then your stomach will have shrunk a little, you will have gotten used to the decreased amount of food. As a result you will lose some weight and feel better.

For a couple of days you say something nice to someone at least once a day.
This will make you feel great and you will consider to make this a habit.

You throw every piece of clothes that is more than 5 years old away.
As a result you will go buy some new clothes and you will feel better wearing new clothes.

You take the time the coming weekend to clean your apartment or house, throw everything which is old away and get everything into order. As a result you will feel better for some time.

Enough of examples of one small step you can take which can change your life. There are small steps you do once and there are small steps you do regularly, which are habit-forming.

Think about what small step you can take, which as a result will change your life. Why not make a list of small steps you could take and realize one each week. Or think every day about one small step you can take. It certainly will change your life.


Decide to Change Your Life

Decide to change your life right now. There is no better time as this very moment. If you make a decision, you have to instantly put it into action. So many say that they will start with a diet on Monday. They don’t say which Monday they mean. There are 52 Mondays a year and one can postpone to start to change from one week to the next, until the decision of changing something is forgotten.

This moment right now you are passionate to decide to make a change, but when you get up in the morning you don’t feel like eating something else as you are used to, you are not up to go for a morning run. You wanted to look for another job that pays more, but on the way to work you think that a higher salary will most probably mean taking higher risks and more hours to work and who knows what else. For the evening you had planned to organize your wardrobe, but then you got some other plans.

If you want to make a change in your life, decide to change right now. Get some paper and a pen or open a new word file and write down what you want to change. Make plan and write down what you have to do to change it. Make a decision that you will stick to what you plan now.

If you decide to look for a new job, look for it in the internet now. Is your CV ready to send it with your application? If not, start writing it now. If you don’t know how to do that, type into a search engine: ‘curriculum vitae’. You will find template and only have to type personal data.

If you decide to lose weight, start organizing your kitchen eight now. You can continue to read this article later on. Then make a plan about what you will do to lose weight. Get up, go to the kitchen and throw away what makes fat and has almost no nutritional value. You know very well what is meant. Then decide what you will eat in the coming weeks and months and what not and decide how you will change your diet for good.

If you decide to change something, there are habits and beliefs which you also have to change. Habits and beliefs are set in the subconscious mind. It is very difficult to do something, while your subconscious mind is programmed with the opposite. If you get the subconscious mind in tune with what you consciously decide to do, it will be very easy.

If you are overweight, it got a habit what and how much you eat and the fact that you are overweight. If you earn not enough money to live your life as you want, you got used to the amount of money you earn and the fact that you don’t earn enough money to live as you want. Change the habit and you will change everything else with little effort. And change your belief that you can do it.

There are means that help you changing the programming of your subconscious mind. Very easy to apply are subliminal recordings. You choose a recoding which is directed to what you want or want to change and have the recording run during the day several times. A subliminal recording has build in messages, called affirmations, which you can’t consciously hear. That you can’t hear the affirmations is great, because it is much more effective to send messages to the subconscious mind if the conscious mind is bypassed. This means that it is good if you are busy with any kind of work, while the subliminal recording pays.

Very effective are hypnosis recordings. You can purchase hypnosis recordings online and have them play after you went to bed and while you fall asleep. You pay for a hypnosis recording once and can play it as often as you want. Look for a hypnosis recording that is targeted to what you want to change or what you want to create.

Mind movies can be used consciously and subconsciously. If you switch the transparency high that you barely see the video and have it play while you work is most effective as your bypass your conscious mind.

Again, decide to change now and start to get active now. What is it that you want to change. If there are several aspects of your life which you want to change, write them all down, but decide with which aspect you will start. It is not easy to make to many changes at once, because it takes some time to get used to every change. During this time you will feel uncomfortable. To feel uncomfortable will be gone as soon as you are used to the change.

Imagine how your life will look after you have changed what you plan today. Think about the advantages the change will bring. Look forward to the results. Say to yourself: Yes, I can do it! If you can, say it loud.

Condition a stimulus for your victory over disturbing habits and for limiting beliefs. Think about a certain movement, for example pushing the thumb and a certain finger together. This is the stimulus. Imagine to have made the change and how you will then feel. Then push the stimulus. Do this several times during several days, until the stimulus is conditioned. Whenever you want to give up, push the stimulus that will bring you the emotions of victory back.

Condition a stimulus for the emotions of ‘I Can! I am a Winner!’ Start to do this after you have written down what you want to change about your life.

Decide to change your life, bad habits and limiting beliefs NOW and immediately start to get active.


Documentation of Your Life Change

Imagine how much you would improve would you be watched by a TV-team, who documents how you follow your plans to achieve your goals.

Imagine that one week of your life is documented on TV and a team from this TV-company, including a camera man, are following you from morning till late night seven days long. They want your life and not any fancy stuff. They know that you planned to change your life and make more money and they want to make a documentary about that. They follow and watch what you do during the whole day. They even have lunch and dinner with you, where you discuss what you will do next and where the next step in your plan will get you.

What will happen? Think about it for a moment. When will you get up? How will you dress? How will you behave? What will you do? Will you give your best possible? I bet you will!

If you haven’t done it yet, you will make a written plan, which you will then follow.
You will do what you have determined in your plan and you will stick to it.
You will not do what you shouldn’t.
You would be fully committed to follow your plan.
You will do one thing on your to-do-list after the other and you will fully focus on it.
You would accomplish all your goals, which you have written into your plan.

Just imagine what a difference it would make. Already after one week you will most certainly get quite a bit further in your life change. Now, have this TV-team follow you day by day from morning till night three months long.
When you are watched, you give more, you work more effectively and you are more passionate about reaching your planned goals. Imagine what an improvement you would make.

To keep on track, you write down all you have to do to reach all your goals, which you have written into your Life Change Plan and every day you check off what you have done and you write down what you have to do the next day. In the morning you read what you have to do during the day and you get done one thing after the other.

To be watched is an enormously well functioning motivation. Every morning for the coming 3 months, think that you are watched! Everything you do will be documented.

Use Goals On Track, which is a great goal tracking software that gives you the opportunity to write down all your goals and all you have to do to achieve them. It will build a daily schedule, which you can change if necessary. Goals On Track is the most thorough goal setting and tracking software, which will definitely help you to stay on track.

Goals On Track is worth much more as its money, as through tracking your goals you will incredibly progress in your goal achievement. If you have debts and/or a mortgage to pay, it will help you to get debt free and soon after financially free. Think that your life can change drastically in three months. It is your decision, if you want to advance with your plans quickly or not. You can get the results you desire in a short period of time.

Take a look at Goals On Track. Watch the video to see what it does, what it will make possible and how it will help you to track your goals. It will change your life!

What you think about most will get into physical form. With the Goals On Track Software you will be more goal oriented and your thoughts will be more focused on your goals and on what you have to have done to accomplish your daily goals and therefore the final big goals.


Is it possible to make a Quantum Jump in Changing Your Life?
How to make a Quantum Jump = a major Life Change

This is about how you can make a life change faster as you now believe that it is possible.

When you want to change your life, you have to your goal step by step. Too often you have to make a decision and a wrong decision might bring you sideways or even backward. The fastest is the straight way.

Imagine a multiple matrix. It looks like many cubicles put together. To get from a point A to a point B you have to go from one connection-point of the matrix to the next. This is how you approach your goals.

What is a quantum jump?

When you make a quantum jump, you jump quickly over more than one connection-point of the matrix. With this method you could quickly get from A to B and therefore quickly change your life.

How to make a quantum jump?

This is a question to which many people try to find an answer and there is one, which actually is the only right answer.

You can find the answer in Einstein’s famous equation e = m c2. E stands for energy, m for mass and C is the speed of light. Physicist might not find it right what I do here. But we don’t want to be scientifically right, but understand how we can make a quantum jump. So you need energy and speed to create matter or reach a goal.

How to get speed?

You get speed into your creation endeavours with a higher frequency of vibration.

Imagine a film-roll of a movie. The movie is about your life. When you look at the film, you see one picture after the other. The quicker it goes, the quicker things move. This is the normal life.

What happens when you make a quantum jump?

Take the film-roll and cut out some scenes and then play it again. In reality you skip some steps, which you believe you would have to take to achieve your goal.

How to get into a higher frequency of vibration? > read more

#1 You have to do everything to feel great. You have to eliminate everything which you dislike.
#2 You have to be certain, which means you have to believe that you will achieve your goal. Now think that there is no time. Time is an illusion. So you already have achieved your goal.
#3 Live as if your goal has manifested. Live in kind of a day-dream. You imagine that things are as you want them to be and what you can’t yet perceive you imagine.

The certainty that things will change in your life as you want it will raise your frequency of vibration. A higher frequency of vibration increases the speed.

Something which is very important happens here: If you change your frequency of vibration your perception changes. You see things which you have not seen before, even though it was there.

This knowledge will change your life. Plan a huge life change now and believe that it already has manifested and live in the imagination of your belief.


Smile to Change Your Life

I usually have a smile on my face. It feels better. It is said that when your cheeks are going up as when you smile or laugh, something in your body is getting activated, which makes you feel better.

Today I walked along a street and saw a mother, who looked concerned at her children, who were jumping and running. She was concerned that the behaviour of her children might disturb me and looked at me, when I approached her. I looked back and smiled. Immediately her face changed into a bride smile.

That I made this woman smile felt good, so I planned to send the next person, who would come my way, a smile. It was a street worker, who was probably on his way home. He looked in front of himself with an empty face expression. The moment I caught his eyes, I smiled at him. Immediately his face turned into a smile and he nodded once as a sign of a friendly greeting.

The next woman was on the way home from grocery shopping. She was thinking about something, but she got aware of me. When I caught her eyes, I smiled and her face turned into a wide smile.

It was a giving and receiving of smile and it felt good. Try it, to see how it feels and you might consider doing it more often. You not only will feel better, but also look better. It will change your life and the life of others.

I also suggest that you think about your face expression. When you do not feel that great and let your face hang, you will feel worse. However, if you force yourself to smile, you will feel better no matter what the cause is that you do not feel that good.

Smiling and laughing is medicine. Many doctors know that. I remember a plastic surgeon. He operated people who had burned faces. He began his visit in each room with a joke. He brought everyone to laugh. His patients felt less pain and healed quicker.

From now on smile, whenever you are aware of your face expression and make it a habit to smile. It’s a wonderful habit. Smiling brings benefits, but doesn’t cost anything.


Who do YOU want to be?

Think about, who exactly you want to be, write down all details and practise to slip into the role of your new you as an actor does. Play your role.

Ask yourself: Who do you really want to be? Think about it, before you start with your Life Change Program..
Write out the description of this person into detail.
Explain every detail:
+ How does this person, you want to be, look?
+What is the character of this person?
+ What is this person good in? Talents and skills?
+ What do you really like about this person? In other words: What makes this
person likeable. Why do friends like this person?
+ What is the profession?
+ What does this person love to do most?

Explain into detail:
How does a weekday of your dream life look?
+ When do you get up? What do you have for breakfast?
+ When do you start to work and what is your work about?
+ What do you do for lunch? Do you meet with business partners, with family or friends?
+ Are you going back to work in the afternoon or are you going to do sports?
+ What are you doing in the evening? Are you having dinner mainly at home or in
a restaurant?
+ Do you go to the theatre afterwards or to a concert? Or do you spend time
with family or friends? Do you rather enjoy to read a book?

How does the weekend of your dream life look?
+ Are you staying at home or travelling?
+ Explain into detail what you love to do on the weekend.
+ Maybe you live near the ocean and you a yacht and you go sailing.
+ Or you invite some friends to spend the weekend with you.

You have just explained the main character in your own movie.
You now have to study this person as an actor does it, slip into this character and get this person. Do not lose a thought on the other character you are, it is the old you.

Practise to play this role as often as you can. Walk as this person, you want to be, walks, talk like this person, behave like him/her. Live the life that person lives. What is not possible that you live in your today’s reality, imagine it, visualize it. When you drive with your car, imagine you sit and drive in your dream car.

You will make a shift. Your life will change incredibly.
How long it takes, depends how good you focus on your new role. It is about exercising. A piano player exercises 5 to 8 hours a day to become a pianist. You exercise your new you and your new life. It is exactly what you want. If there is something in your written details, which you dislike, change it. This is about your dream life and you should enjoy everything about it.


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Life Transformation
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Create a New Image
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