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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


The Law Of Vibration
Preceeds the Law of Attraction

The Law of Vibration is of utmost importance as everything that we perceive and/or hear vibrates with a certain frequency and each frequency of vibration has a certain radiation radius (this is how far it can influence its surrounding). Vibrations differ in its frequency.

You can change the frequency in which you vibrate as the frequency in which you vibrate is induced by your feelings and you can change your feelings. The frequency of your vibration can also change if you get near something that has a specific frequency of vibration and if you are open to this other vibration frequency.

We usually are relatively quickly influenced by the vibration of other people, things, sounds, whereby it depends who or what has the stronger vibration. It could be a friend you visit who is euphoric about something and draws you into his/her vibration.

Have you heard the expression: He or she is on my wave length? This means that this person is on the same frequency of vibration as you are.

Not only that the frequency of a person can change during a day, it can generally change several times in a life time. It happens that you have a friend for many years, but suddenly you can’t stand this person any more. His or your frequency of vibration will very probably have strongly changed.

Napoleon Hill mentions in his book Think And Grow Rich the vibration of thought. In the chapter Master Mind Groups he says that Ford has met with people like Edison who had likewise vibrations of thought.

To find people with whom you can built a Master Mind Group can be very beneficial as the vibration of thought of several people strengthens yours.

I repeat that everything has a certain frequency of vibration. Think of people who are sad. They have a low vibration. People who are happy vibrate with a much higher frequency. People who are successful vibrate on another frequency as poor people. If you want to become rich, you want to get into the frequency of rich people. I encourage you to watch videos with people who are successful and rich.

It is the frequency of vibration that draws certain things and situations toward you and this is called the Law of Attraction. The Power of Attraction would not exist without the Law of Vibration. Now you understand why the Law of Vibration is more important than the Law of Attraction.

You should test the Law of Vibration. I have already mentioned that the frequency of vibration is induced by feelings. Think of something that makes you feel happy and go to a party or a bar with this feeling. As you think of something that makes you happy you will smile. You will be surprised how you will attract other people who will surround you in a matter of moments. Of course you can try to think of something that makes you sad and you will stand in this bar and far away from you will be the crowd.

You can also take advantage of the Law of Vibration. If you don’t feel so great, go near a person or something that has a high frequency of vibration. You could meet with someone who has this wonderful vibration that makes you feel good. You could go to a public park or forest and stand or sit near a tree with your back to its trunk. Some other ways to change your frequency of vibration is music. Different kind of music can get you into different kinds of vibration.

I have mentioned the radius of vibration. Some people don’t radiate as they have a low vibration. Other people radiate strongly.

Have you ever experienced sitting in a restaurant and suddenly all people turn toward the entrance. Most of those people haven’t seen who had entered. But some people have such a strong vibration that quickly a whole room is filled with it and everyone is drawn toward this person.

Become aware that everything vibrates and try to feel the difference in frequency of vibration. Take advantage of vibration in being near to people and things with high frequency and manipulate your own frequency of vibration in thinking of things that make you feel happy.


Law of Vibration and its Importance for Your Success

The Law of Vibration is important as everything that we perceive and/or hear vibrates with a certain frequency and each frequency of vibration has a certain radiation radius. Vibrations differ in its frequency.

Change the frequency in which you vibrate and you will change your life. You only have to change your feelings to change how you vibrate. The frequency of your vibration can also change if you get near someone or something that has a specific frequency of vibration.

We usually are relatively quickly influenced by the vibration of other people, things, sounds, even frangrances, whereby it depends who or what has the stronger vibration. You could be euphoric and meet someone who is very sad. This might change the frequency of your vibration. Look for people who are on your vibration frequency.

It happens that you had a friend for many years, but suddenly you couldn’t stand this person any more. His or your frequency of vibration will very probably have strongly changed.

I repeat that everything has a certain frequency of vibration. People who are sad have a low vibration. People who are happy vibrate with a much higher frequency. People who are successful vibrate on another frequency as poor people. If you want to become rich, you want to get into the frequency of rich people. I encourage you to watch videos with people who are successful and rich.

The frequency of vibration draws certain things and situations toward you and this is called the Law of Attraction, but its actually the Law of Vibration. The Power of Attraction would not exist without the Law of Vibration.

Learn How To Meditate

You should test the Law of Vibration. I have already mentioned that the frequency of vibration is induced by feelings. Think of something that makes you feel happy and go to a party or a bar with this feeling. As you think of something that makes you happy you will smile. You will be surprised how you will attract other people who will surround you in a matter of moments. Of course you can try to thinking of something that makes you sad and you will stand in this bar and far away from you will be the crowd.

You can also take advantage of vibration. If you don’t feel so great, go near to something that has a high frequency of vibration. You could meet with someone who has this wonderful vibration that makes you feel good. You could go to a public park or forest and stand or sit near a tree with your back to its trunk. Some other ways to change your frequency of vibration is music. Different kind of music can get you into different kinds of vibration.

I have mentioned the radius of vibration. Some people don’t radiate as they have a low vibration. Other people radiate strongly.

Have you ever experienced sitting in a restaurant and suddenly all people turn toward the entrance. Most of those people haven’t seen who had entered. But some people have such a strong vibration that quickly a whole room is filled with it and everyone is drawn toward this person.

Become aware that everything vibrates and try to feel the difference in frequency of vibration. Take advantage of vibration in being near to people and things with high frequency and manipulate your own frequency of vibration in thinking of things that make you feel happy. Use the Law of Vibration to your advantage.


Creative Force of Vibrationon

There is a creative force in anyone. The creative force is activated by specific feelings, which activates a specific frequency of vibration.

We are not able to hear or see something that is in a vibration with a frequency above and below of what the human being can hear or perceive. Example is the dog’s whistle.

When someone is enlightened, he vibrates with a high frequency and so I believe can perceive more as most people.

What most people wish and want to achieve (objects and situations) is on a frequency of vibration in the usual range. To create, in other words manifest an object of situation one has to bring the frequency in which he vibrates in line with the frequency of this object of situation. It is a frequency which is by far not as high as the frequency in which someone who is enlightened vibrates.

How can we change our frequency of vibration?

We change the frequency of vibration with our feelings. We are able to control our feelings and so we can control the frequency of our vibration.

To create and attract something into our life, we have to focus our thoughts to it and get into the corresponding feeling. This will get us into the frequency of vibration that will make it possible for us to perceive it.

If you want to become rich, a millionaire or even a thrillionaire and think of money, not very much will happen, because money alone doesn’t awake any feelings. Money is a form of energy, but not if it is a number on a bank account or a bunch of pieces of paper. It is not the money itself, but what you want to be able to afford with the money that will make the difference.

If you want to create or change something, you must know what it is that activates strong feelings.

Like energy attracts like energy. If you bring your body into the right vibration that will make you attract what you want, you certainly will.

Thoughts become what you want if they are in line with what you want and be accompanied by the feeling it activates. If you think of something, but not have the feelings flow with it, it doesn’t make any difference.

For example, if you see a lot of banknotes in a sequence on TV and grab your glass of water, you rather think of having a sip of water. If you see the same sequence and think that if you had that money, you could take a trip to a summer resort on the beach and feel joy, you actually start a creative process.

If you then go and get brochures from this beach resort and hang some pictures on a wall, where you often see them, you are getting a step further in this creative process. You will surely also make some research on the internet about this resort. Seeing the pictures will make you think about how much you will enjoy it to be there. You will continue to think of it. You will daydream about it. You are in the middle of a creative process. The result is that you will go to this beach resort and have a wonderful time.

But you see, it is not the money itself. And there is something else which has happened here: It was the feelings that have made you go get brochures and research the beach resort, which means that you got active.

Without action nothing will happen. But it is not the effort that makes you going, but rather the feelings. The creative force is in the frequency of vibration.

The stronger the feelings you can activate the stronger the creative force.


The Law of Vibration is most important to get What You Want

I have written numerous articles about the law of vibration, because I consider it the most important knowledge if you want to become successful and live your dream life.

If you ask yourself, why your life doesn’t change, why money doesn’t come your way and why you seem to constantly be unlucky, you don’t apply the law of vibration.

Everything that we perceive so also our body vibrates. Everything has its own and very specific frequency of vibration. Your thoughts are instantly translated into images, which activate feelings and these activate a specific frequency of vibration. If you have a negative thought, your frequency of vibration will be low and you will draw negative situations into your life. If you think of positive and beautiful situations and things, you will draw positive and beautiful things toward you. If you think of abundance, you will attract abundance.

What is in a similar frequency of vibration attracts each other. To attract something specific, you have to get into harmony with it, meaning that you have to get into a likewise frequency of vibration. If you are afraid to fail, you can’t await to win. If you are certain to receive a certain object, you will get it. If you think about a certain situation in the hope that it will happen sometimes soon, it will happen.

Hold the image of what you want in your mind and be filled with pleasant anticipation and the certainty to get what you want. It is mainly the feeling that will do the trick, because feelings get us into a harmonious vibration with what we think.

Focus your thoughts on what you want and you move in to a vibration you have to be in to attract it.

Whenever you get aware that you don’t feel great, do something about it. Jump and stretch your body. Listen to uplifting music. Think of something you enjoy. Watch your Mind Movie, which is so great to get and hold the right frequency of vibration, because it contains the images you have chosen, that represent your wishes and it is accompanied by music, which you have chosen.

Build your daily schedule in a way that you can’t get out of a high frequency of vibration. Turn on the radio with great music and do some workout. Have fruit or eggs for breakfast. Fruit is refreshing, eggs are high in protein and good nutrition, both will give you a good start for the day. Have a picture you like on your desk. Have a nutritious but light lunch if possible in nice company. Try to be only near people who are positive, because other people radiate their vibration and can absolutely change yours. Take some time to relax after work. If you have been sitting the whole day, do some workout. Working out makes you feel good and is raising your vibration. Celebrate the evening. Don’t just have a quick bite, have something good for dinner, something which gives you the nutrients you need. When you go to bed, only entertain positive thoughts. Be grateful for all good, which has happened during the day and think forward to another great day and think about everything you desire, being certain that you will draw it into your life.

Never forget about the law of vibration and always be aware about your (emotional) frequency of vibration.


Get Into Alignment With What You Want

I wrote so much about the importance of your frequency of vibration and this is mainly what your life is about. What you perceive as matter consists of little particles and they all are vibrating, including your body.

What is in alignment with your frequency of vibration is drawn toward you. If you are in a low frequency of vibration, you will draw other people who are also in a low frequency of vibration toward you and you and those people live a mediocre or terrible life.

To get out of this and live a better life, you have to raise your frequency of vibration. What do you want in life? How do you want to live? Think about it and then feel it. Visualize your dreamlife and let yourself fall into these pictures in your mind. Visualization is about getting yourself into a higher frequency of vibration. Sounds easy, but you have to exercise it. So many people give up too early. Don’t give up! Finetune your feeling while you visualize.

See yourself lie at the beach with a cool drink aside of you. See yourself shopping in the stores, where you can buy what you want, see yourself walk out of the store with lots of bags and a smile on your face, because you could buy the best without having to check your bank account.

See yourself travelling where ever you want. See yourself make a safari in a jungle, see yourself ride an elefant, see yourself walk up the stairs of the Ceop’s pyramide, see yourself on a cruiseship, see yourself walk through the Louvre in Paris.

Most importantly feel this wonderful feeling that you do all, which you want. It is so very important to feel great. This wonderful feeling begins with the thought of what you want and the feeling brings you into the frequency of vibration, which is in alignment with what you want.

If you are in alignment with what you want, you are in the lightness of being.

A better life does not start with working hard, but with the thought of what you want, which is the goal. Most people begin their way from where they are hoping to get to their destination. But you can’t reach your destination if you don’t know exactly where it is and without planning about how to get there.

Just think that if you walk without knowing into what direction, you will get somewhere and you will not get far. If you determine where you want to go, you know the direction, but it could take you years to get there. Why not take a plane and you reach your destination in a few hours.


Your Thoughts Stimulate and Alter Your Emotional Frequency of Vibration

With your thoughts you alter the frequency your vibration, which changes everything about your life.

Watch yourself when you feel good, what happens and what thoughts you entertained and when you don’t feel so good, what happens and what thoughts you have entertained. It is about how you feel and how you feel you can control with your thoughts.

Now watch yourself during a whole day. What do you think and how do you feel when you wake up? What is the next thing you do, what are your thoughts and how do you feel?

There are people, who get up, say a refreshing good morning on the way to the shower, sing while they are under the shower and they feel how wonderful the water spreading over their body feels. They are conscious of that moment. They don’t think that they have to do something a littel later, which they might dislike.

On the way to the kitchen they are looking forward to have a good breakfast. They might switch on the radio to hear some rythmical music. not for the news or they continue to sing themselves. They make coffee and enjoy the smell of it. They prepare a healthy breakfast, sit down and they are just happy about the moment of this fresh new day.

These kind of people are happy with their work. It is not the money that they go to work. They appreciate what they do and this makes them be successful. They come energetically to their workplace and start with their work.

When lunch-time comes, they are looking forward to have a good lunch-time and a nutritious meal. Those kind of people are liked by others, so they don’t sit alone. During their lunch they have a chat with some co-workers or friends and they would speak about positive stuff.

The day continues like that. After work they are going to prepare a nice evening. They might first do some sports or they go buy some good foods or go home to refresh themselves to later on meet friends for dinner.

The whole day they are but entertaining positiv thoughts. Most of the time they are in the NOW. They appreciate their life, which is positive, because they are positive.

There are people who are not doing good and are often sick. They have negative thoughts, are thinking negatively about others and they don’t await anything better day by day. Of course their life is getting worse. It is self-fulfilled prophecy.

You don’t win anything having negative thoughts no matter about whom or what. Find something positive to think about and you will feel better. If you continue having yourself feeling better on a daily basis everything in your life will get better.

Think of this whenever you catch yourself thinking something negative. Wisk the negative thought away and think something positive. Open your eyes and you will see beauty, open your ears and you can hear beautiful sounds, open your soul and you will feel.

You should also understand that the better you feel the higher your frequency of vibration and the better your life. It is on you to feel good.

Do something to feel good!


The Vibration of Abundance

Anything you perceive, including your body, is energy and vibrating.

Your subconscious mind has to be in synchronicity with what you consciously want. To make a considerable improvement in your life, you have to understand the power of the frequency in which you are vibrating. You will then understand that the Law of Vibration is more important as the Law of Attraction, as it is essential before you attract anything and it is the cause that you attract something.

Get Your Frequency of Vibration in Synchronicity with the Frequency of what you want to attract into your life

Close your eyes and imagine what you want. Can you see how you want to live? Do you feel good imagining those images? The way you feel is responsible for your vibration.

If you want to live in abundance you have to imagine abundance and get in synchronicity with the Vibration of abundance.

Do the following experiements to feel the difference of good and bad emotions and its vibrations.

Experiment # 1

1A: Speak out the words: Hate, war, destruction, pain, sadness. Imagine a picture or scene to each word. How do you feel? Little bit at unease, right?

1B Now speak out the words: Unconditional love, extreme happiness, never ending bliss, comfortable warmth, angelic music, friendly smile, peacefulness, fulfilment. Imagine a picture or scene to each work. How do you feel now?

Each word, thought, image, scene, each person you meet, music you hear, every object that is near to you has a certain frequency of vibration, which is radiating and influences your vibration.

If you are living in a mansion with expensive furniture, wear designer clothes of high quality, be surrounded by wealthy and also loving people, as you travel live in luxury hotels and feel happy and fulfilled, then your frequency of vibration will be quite high. If you are broke, live in a worn down apartment with old and cheap furniture, feel unhappy and with fear that things get worse, your frequency of vibration will be low and you are surrounded by things of low frequency of vibration.

If you want to get out of a bad life situation, you need to get near people and things that are vibrating with a higher frequency. Go to stores with luxury goods and imagine buying whatever you like to own. Imagine how it feels to own it. Hold this imagination. As you go home, imagine that you have with you what you bought. Imagine to use it. Imagine how it feels when you wear this expensive dress or suite made of wool mixed with silk and the designer leather shoes fit wonderfully.

Imagine you live in a large apartment in an expensive area of the town, furnished with stylish furniture of high quality. Be in a good mood and keep this good mood throughout the day. Sing and dance whenever you can. Visualize your dream life after you went to bed and visualize it after you woke up in the morning. Make a mind movie with pictures of all the wonderful things which you would like to be surrounded with and have it run with high transparency to no be disturbed by it while you work on your computer.

Get yourself into the feeling of living that life of your dreams and try to hold it throughout the day. Whenever you can afford to buy expensive things do it. Buy a belt in a designer store, a shirt, a purse or whatever. If you can afford more, such as buying some new furniture, replace your old and worn out furniture with it. If you can, give away old stuff. Get rid of it. Keep on replacing old stuff.

Stop seeing friends, which do not fit into your dream life. Because of their frequency of vibration that they radiate, they influence you and hold you back to achieve what you really want. Ask yourself it you want to meet with your neighbours, who are so very nice, but can’t pay their electricity bills or do you want to soon live a life in abundance. Imagine those people visiting you in this large apartment in an expansive area or in this luxury villa, which is surrounded by a beautiful park. They probably wouldn’t feel good there, unless they too try to change their frequency of vibration. But still it is not good to spend time together. You both would just hold you back. Later on, when you both made the shift from a low to a much higher frequency of vibration, you can meet again.

Everything you do to raise the frequency in which you vibrate will change your life to the better.


The Radiation of People, who surround you, Effect Your Life

The frequency of vibration radiates. Everything has its specific radiation. So also people. We radiate and our radiation effects the life of people we spend time with. Be selective with people you often meet, because they influence your life.

With what kind of people are you surrounded a lot? Is it people who live a life you want to live? You should ask yourself this question.

Every person vibrates in a certain frequency. The more you are on the same frequency, the better the understanding with them. This vibration is radiating. The frequency of vibration is a result of thoughts and emotions of this person.

If you don’t feel so good near someone, it is that the thinking and the emotions of this person is not in harmony with yours. If you don’t feel good near someone, it is best to get away. If you have friends, who live a life you don’t want to live yourself, meet these people seldom.

Meet with people in whose company you feel good. Meet with people, who live the life you want as much as possible. If you want to become rich and you meet with rich people, you will be in their radiation of the frequency of vibration, you want to be in.

If you spend a lot of time with people who have no work and no income, you will hardly get far financially. If you spend a lot of time with people who are constantly complaining or talking negatively a lot, stop seeing them too often. You must understand that there is a risk of radiation of humans.

If you are surrounded by people who are generally in a good mood, enjoy meeting with them. Their good mood will take over you. If you are not doing so fine and meet with them, chances are that you soon feel a lot better.

There are people who take energy from others. If you meet with them, you soon feel tired, without knowing the reason. If you find out, who is draining you down, stop seeing those people.

Be very selective with the people with whom you spend a lot of time. People, who surround you, have quite something to do with your success, with your way of life and how you feel, because their radiation has an effect on you and your life.

Think with whom you spend a lot of time. Ask yourself, if you want to live the life of these people and if you want to be like them. Think about it, whenever you meet someone.


How to Improve Your Mood to Raise Your Frequency of Vibration

Why is it important to know how you can improve your mood in case it is not so good. What has your mood to do with your frequency of vibration and why should you raise your frequency of vibration if it drops?

How can you raise your frequency of vibration if it drops, is important to know, because your frequency of vibration is responsible for what you attract into your life. Your frequency of vibration goes up or down with your mood. The emotion in which you are is like an engine for what you attract,

Let us first determine how you should feel, in other words in what mood you should be that you attract good things into your life.

How you should not feel
You should not be in a bad mood and so down that you can’t stop crying. You should not have negative feelings, such as fear, hate, envy and you should not feel being stressed.

You must not be filled with euphoric joy that you jump and sing. It is great if when you feel like this, but no one can stay in this kind of euphoric joy for long.

In what mood should you be and how should you feel
A good feeling is inner calmness, being thankful for what you have and being happy about your life in general.

You are in a good mood and feel good when you
live in the moment, not in the past or the future.
have a plan that fulfils you and keeps you busy
have friends with whom you are in regular contact
are respected and loved by one or more people
nourish your body with healthy and nutritious food in a certain quantity
do sports about 30 to 60 minutes five times a week
have some leisure time every day
have a hobby for which you take time at least once a week
and more

What can you do if you do not feel good and so not be in a good mood and your frequency of vibration drops?

The reason that you suddenly don’t feel good can be the weather, any problem that you can’t quickly solve, a misunderstanding with a partner or friend, a sickness, when things don’t work out as expected and more.

How Can You Improve Your Mood

Not every idea to improve your mood helps in every situation, so you need several ideas. You can choose one or try several ideas, depending on the situation you are in to improve your mood.

My advice is, to have a few ideas ready, that help you to improve your mood whenever needed. You can make a list, which you put somewhere were you quickly find it when needed.

Some of my ideas how to improve your mood
When I read an article or part of an article that uplifts my mood, I type it on a wordfile and print it. I put it into a drawer, where I have it handy and read it, when I need to improve my mood.
Make a list of music that uplifts you, which you play when your mood drops.

What else can improve your mood
A quick fix to improve your mood is to force yourself to smile or to laugh. It doesn’t matter if you feel like it or not, the laufh muscles seem to be a trigger for good mood. It is worth a try. You will be surprised.
Go for a walk. A walk is refreshing and you come back with changed thoughts.
Meditate for 20 minutes. Meditating is very powerful in improving your mood.
Watch a fun movie. Look for it on YouTube. One of the cartoons are great to improve your mood.
Take a bath and use a fragrance. If you have aroma oils, use them, they can change your mood.
Have a massage. What is good for your body is good for your soul.
Call a friend and have a chat.
If it is dinner time: Decorate the table nicely, have a candle and decorate the plate with herbs and spices.
Browse through a magazine with beautiful images of fashion or art.
Make a special plan for the evening, for example to go for dinner to a restaurant or to the theatre and ask someone to come with you.

Make a list about what improves your mood for yourself. Whenever you enjoy something very much that uplifts your mood, write it onto that list and keep the list somewhere, where you have it handy whenever needed. It is like a medicine cabinet for your mood.

Do whatever you can to stay in a good mood, as being in a good mood is so important to stay in a high frequency of vibration to draw good things into your life.

Your frequency of vibration will increase with your behaviour. You will have ups and downs, because to be in a high frequency of vibration is a habit. The more often you are in a high frequency of vibration the less it will go back down and if it goes down it will not stay down for long.

You have to exercise your acting and feeling as if you are successful. The success will follow. There is no big secret behind it. Asks a pianist what his secret is that he became a virtuous pianist. He will answer you with something like: Exercising to play the piano every day for about eight hours. There is no way around exercise. I learned to speak English exercising for 8 years one to two hours a day.

You can’t raise your frequency of vibration and be successful overnight, if you have been poor or even been average your whole life until today. You have to get used to it and this is done exercising.


A Signal in a certain Frequency of Vibration For Peace or For War

I write a lot about the “frequency of vibration”, as I know how important it is. If you change your frequency of vibration you are in, your life will change. If you increase your frequency, your life will change to the better.

Reading my posts, you will also know that each person can only hear and see things that are in his bandwidth of frequency. With the age this bandwidth of frequendy often narrows.

There is tone which no person can hear, if it is below or above the frequency the human ear can hear. The same goes for seeing things. There is a lot out there, which we, human beings, can’t see.

If you listen to the radio and you want to hear another channel, you have to change the frequency.

Quite a few tests have been done with different frequencies. There are frequencies, which make every person being peaceful and there are frequencies, which make depressed and other frequencies, which make the peaceful people become cruel. If those people are asked to go to war, they are ready to kill any enemy.

Imagine that a signal with a certain frequency is send onto a certain region of this world and all people in that area would suddenly behave differently. It could be that they are all friendly and at peace, but it could also be that they are all cruel, willing to go to war and kill any enemy.

This is nothing made up from me. This technology is possible and it exists. Let us hope that if it is ever used that it would be used for peace and not for war.


Your Frequency of Vibration is the Key to Success

You frequency of vibration is the key to success. It is interwoven with thoughts, emotions and activity. Be happy to stay in a high vibration.

When I thought about what is the key to success, I thought about all the factors that make a person successful in his private life and in business, I asked myself what is the most important one. I was certain that it is the frequency of vibration. So I asked myself, how to get the frequency of vibration higher, because then all other factors change to be in harmony with the frequency.

Let us recap:

You have to control your thoughts, because thoughts activate emotions. Emotions are responsible for your frequency of vibration. Your frequency of vibration does two things. It draws toward you what you are in harmony with and they are responsible for our activities. Our activities bring results.

All these factors: thoughts, emotions, frequency of vibration and activities change each other. So they are variables that are interwoven. If you change your thoughts, your emotions, your frequency of vibration and your activities change. If you change your emotions, your thoughts change, so does your frequency of vibration and your activities.

If you are in a bad mood and you go jogging or work out, you will quickly feel better and all other variables change. From the beginning I included fitness and a fitness program into Successful Life Change. And also making money was an important subject from the beginning.

Your emotions will be right, when you are happy. Happiness is something you have to work on. To be happy, you need enough money, you need to move, you need friends, you need to be liked and you need to be healthy. Non of this you get without being active.

So, all of it – thoughts, emotions, frequency of vibration and activity, are important to live a successful life. And then it is important that you work on being happy. You can be successful in business, but be unhappy. And if you are unhappy, you will not enjoy your work. The result will most probably be that your success in business will decrease.

And where should you start, if you want to improve your life? Definitely with your thoughts. Instead of saying that you think positive, think about specific things that are beautiful and that make you feel good and happy. Think about what thoughts make you feel great and write down a list. Whenever your mood drops, take this list and read it.

The key of success is your frequency of vibration, because with a high vibration you get it all.


The Connection of Happiness, Money and the Frequency of Vibration

Understand the connection of happiness, money and the frequency of vibration. They are interrelated. An improvement of one can’t be pursued by itself.

It doesn’t matter how hard you work, you can’t change your life, if your mind is not set for peace and happiness, an elevated state. It is a state of mind, which I call ‘the Lightness of Being’.

I will try to explain, why you should pursue matter and spirituality. In some way all this is interrelated, but only until a certain point at which matter seems to turn into an illusion.

As soon as you have reached the state of ‘Lightness of Being’, manifesting is easy and quick, in some cases instantly. This is what you wish. But the moment you have reached that goal, your wishes will have tremendously changed.

Let me be frank, I am far from being in the state of the Lightness of Being. I know that you have to develop your consciousness to reach that state and it takes years. Hand in hand goes an increase of your frequency of vibration. The higher your frequency the more translucent you will become, until people, who are in a low frequency of vibration, will not perceive you anymore.

The rotor blades of a propeller are not really an example, but a way I can explain this a bit. When the rotor blades stand still, you see two blades fixed on a machine. When the blades start to move, it looks as if there is a round plate. And when they move faster, you don’t see them any more. You know that the rotor blades are there and you know that you can’t see them when they move fast.

Now, think that there is a lot which is there, but you can’t see it, unless you would be on the same frequency of vibration. I have often mentioned that you will perceive yourself and your surrounding differently if you change your life. Changing your life will change your frequency of vibration.. And I again and again mention it, how important it is to raise one’s spirituality.

One of the first steps of changing and improving your life and increasing your frequency is controlling your thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, whisk it away and entertain a positive thought. Make this a habit.

Do the same with your emotions. If you feel that you hang on to a negative emotion, replace it with a positive one.
Once in my life I was in a deep shock for maybe three years. My face was petrified and I couldn’t control tears. I bought a few magazines and looked for women’s faces who laughed. This was not easy. Look through a women’s magazine. You will maybe find one or two women who laugh. I fixed the images of those laughing faces on all parts in my apartment, where I look at often. On the mirror in the bathroom, on the mirror of my makeup table, on a kitchen cabinet and on the side of the screen of my PC. And whenever I looked at one of those laughing faces, I tried to imitate the laughing face. It was not easy. With exercise it got better and better.

To often smile and laugh makes a big difference in your life. If you can control your grimace, you can control your emotions, because they are connected. Try it! If you are in a bad mood, force yourself to smile and to laugh. Your bad mood will be gone, guaranteed. And when you are in a good mood, your frequency of vibration is a lot higher as when you are in a bad mood.

Your frequency of vibration will increase further if you are happy. Below a certain amount of monthly income, one can’t be happy. This means that you have to earn a certain amount of money to be happy. When you increase the amount of money you earn monthly, you will be happier, but until a certain level. At that point your happiness will not get better, if you make even more money.

This is the moment when you have to raise your spirituality, if you haven’t done so before. If you only increased matter, which you posses, you will reach a limit, because matter always has limits, while spirituality is endless.


You only see what is in the bandwidth of Your Frequency of Vibration

We see only a fraction of what there really is.

1.People, who are illiterate, can see long distance much better as people, who read a lot and who’s eyes are used to look at a short distance. They also have a wider peripheral view.
2.We can’t see, what is in a frequency, which is not in our range of frequency.
3.We can’t see, what moves very fast.
4.We can’t see, what is in another dimension as our three-dimensional world.

Looking at long distance

People, who live in the nature, look out and are looking at distant objects. When a person, who reads a lot, goes hunting with an illiterate, the illiterate will see an animal from far, while the literate person, who is told where to look, needs some time until he is able to perceive, what the illiterate has seen long before.

“Where?” asks Jake.
Konga points into the direction. “There! Between those two trees.”
Jake can’t make out anything but wilderness. He looks into his field glasses.
“Exactly what you are looking for,” Konga says.
Jake can’t see any living species. Does Konga pull his leg?
“It’s walking toward us,” Konga says.
Now Jake sees it through his field glasses. It’s far away. He wonders how Konga had seen it minutes ago, when it was further away.

We can only see what is within a certain range of frequency, which varies individually

Children see things, which adults don’t. Children are in another frequency of vibration as adults and can therefore see what adults with altered frequencies don’t see. Children are told that they fantasize, that there is no such thing what children very well describe.

“He shines so beautifully in all colors, mom,” Cathy says. “Above his head he is golden.”
“What are you talking about, Cathy?”
“But, mom, don’t you see that? It’s red and purple and so beautiful colors.”

Ann can hear her daughter talk with someone. But she knows that Shannon is alone in her room.
She opens the door to her daughter’s room.
“With whom do you speak?”
“With Granny,” Shannon answers.
Granny had died a few months ago and ever since Shannon fantasizes that granny is playing with her.
Ann asks herself what she should do. Explain to Shannon that granny can’t be there or let her go on to live in her fantasy world?

Some children see the aura of people. Today we know that each person has an aura and that the aura consists of varicoloured shine surrounding a person.
Some children can see people, who have died long ago. They perceive the deceased people for moments and suddenly that perception vanishes. It frightens most children. What frightens them is the sudden appearance. Usually they don’t tell anyone about it, because they instinctively know that what they sometimes see is something out of this world.

Parents should speak with their children and explain that they might see things which others can’t, which doesn’t make it impossible and that the explanation for it is that children are in another frequency of vibration.

When your frequency of vibration changes, you will perceive yourself and the world around you differently.

That we can’t see what moves very fast has to do with the range of frequency in which we are able to perceive. This I have explained in numerous articles on this blog and on the .

We live in a three-dimensional world. The dimension time is going into one direction for us. We are not able to move in the dimension time. We can assume that there are intelligences, who can move around in the dimension time. It is possible that they appear in our dimension and can be perceived for a short time. Sometimes it happens that they are not seen with our eyes, but are captured on a photo or film.

Using a high-speed camera one can capture a lot more as with a conventional camera. Objects that are moving in an enormous speed can be captured, which is impossible to be seen with the eyes.



More about the subject
Universal Laws
The Forgotten Laws
The Law of Attraction works
Are you a Slave?
What is Matter


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