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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
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Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
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Improve with Hypnosis
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Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


The New Economy

The New Economy is about Cooperation


We are living in a new economy. We are gliding right into it. It is a completely new era.

We have to get rid of the old way, before the new era can come. You have to get rid of old stuff to make space for new things and you have to replace your old thinking with the new thinking. And yes, it is about habit change. And we all have to change quite a bit to really make the new economy work out. People, who understand that, make a lot of money.

Now what is the new economy about? The old economy was all competition. It was about beating the competitor and the competitor tried hard to beat the other. One got lower with the price and the other set the price even lower. To keep the low price the production was moved to a country with low wages and then the people in the own country lost their work. The producers offered a low cost product, which was not bought, because people had no work and no money. One competitor has killed the other. What was left was chaos and an economy that is near depression. Let us get rid of the old economy and change our thinking and our behavior toward others.

The new economy is about cooperation. We got to learn to cooperate. We got to learn to get along better. You know, when two people come together in cooperation, you’ve got real power. When you bring two minds, they automatically create a third. Now imagine a team of people all cooperating on one idea. They got power going for them. Enormous power!

This is what the successful internet marketers do. They cooperate. When one marketer comes out with a new product, his cooperative partners also offer it. Like this one internet marketer has got not only his thousands of subscribers on his email list, but hundred thousands. And the subscribers can not only read the messages of one internet marketer, but the messages of all internet marketers who are partner. This is a win-win situation. All parties win. And this is the future.

Do you cooperate or do you compete? Remember this: Amateurs compete, professionals create. The people, who are most creative are the ones who are most cooperative. Work together. You are going to find that it works well.

If you worked hard in the past few years and had no success, you did miss out on the opportunities cooperation offers. Cooperate and you will succeed.

Get into the attitude of the new economy. Be considerate! Be cooperative! Don’t compete! You will soon see that being cooperative is so much better and more profitable as being a hard competitor.


The World Economy Changes - Are You Ready?

The old economic system breaks down to make space for a new system.

The old laws of economics don’t function anymore for years. But too many want to hold on to what is over. The new economy is represented only by a few in comparison to the once who are still holding on to the old system.

One can fix an old damaged something (the old economy in this case), but one day you have to replace this something with a new something. The new economy is already there, but the masses still want to hold on to the old damaged system.

Already 20 years ago the old laws of economics did not fully work out anymore. It is the same in physics, where the old laws of physics are replaced my new once. – Things DO CHANGE, but most people are not eager to go through changes. This is one of the problems.

Several days ago I watched the news and someone said that to make a change the people, who are stuck with something “old”, must die and a new generation must have been educated with the “new”, only then real change is possible.

The problem here is that you need teachers who know the “new” well enough to be able to teach it. This means that it would take three generations to make the change.

Let us think back more than 100 years ago, when monarchies where replaced by democracies. The life of many has changed and most of the changes have not been easy. We are again in a time where things change tremendously. Some already live in the new world and they watch the break down of the old without even a sigh. But most people are embedded in the old system and don’t know what will happen next.

Except a few, who have already made the transformation we have to go through this and it will not be easy. The only advice I can give is, to be open for the new: the new economic system, the new technologies and believe in a wonderful future.

We don’t need turmoil and war to make a transformation, which will happen if the older are not letting go of what they are used to, which will not come back, but is over.

They have left so many young people, who don’t know how to make a living. Is there something wrong with our school system? How to give young people the belief in a better future, when they don’t see it? They don’t see it, because they have not learned to see it.

The old system just put them aside. Has the new system a better solution? I hope, they will.

The financial crisis is only one occurrence. Too much has already happened, without the right steps from the powerful people. The tip of the iceberg has not been reached yet.

I finish these thoughts without summing this up. As most people, I don’t know an answer.


Today’s Economic Situation is so different to the Great Depression

Today there are so many possibilities anyone has to make money if in the physical or in the internet world.. If today someone looses his job, he only has to think about what he wants to do and get active.

The problem many people, who lost their job have, is, that they are despaired and so their frequency of vibration sinks and they feel as being out of sync. Instead they should see the opportunities.

If you have lost your job or know someone who has lost his job, tell this person:

Do the following
1. You have to do anything you can to feel good and to stay calm.
2. Think about what you enjoy to do. Do brainstorming: Have a piece of paper and write everything down, which comes into your mind. Then go through the list and think how you could make money with it. This can be offering to cook for special occasions: for example: Romantic dinners for two. You drive to an area with expensive homes and drop flyers offering your service. It can be starting a blog about your special interest. It can be wrtiting an ebook about your special interest. And there are hundreds of more ideas you could come up with. And there are thousands of possibilities.

There are so many opportunities that no one must despair, but think, feel and get active. It is said that the most important part of the system is getting yourself into the feeling of what you want to achieve, in a way as if you already have achieved it.

Lost your job? Get into the feeling of having a much better job as before and being fulfilled and happy with it. Imagine and visualize you get your dream job. Repeat this imagination and visualize it several times for a few days. Believe that you will get your dream job. Call the company where you want to work and ask for an interview.

Whatever you want to achieve: The imagination (visualization) of it to happen has to be done first, because the imagination is stronger as the reality.

Good Luck and a lot of Success!


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