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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


How to use Your Full Potential

Yesterday I saw a video with a speech of Dr. Dieter Broer about the New Consciousness. Broer explains that we are developping our higher self to be able to use more of our full potential due to changes in the electromagnetic fields, which influence our brain activity. The scientific work that has been done about and around this topic is breathtakingly interesting.

Tests have been made that changes of the earths electromagnetic fields really influence our brain activity. There are days we might feel down without knowing the reasons and other days when things seem to work out by itself. (See the book of Micheal Persinger at the end of this post).

Dr. Dieter Broer finishes his speech with the words: We know everything, we only have to allow it. He further says that when children don't know that most people are not able to do certain things, they believe they are able to do it and they do it.

I read about a little girl, who has watched a lizard over some time. The lizard had lost it's tail and it grew back. One day the little girl had an accident. The upper joint of the left little finger on the left hand was cut off. The mother cried. The girl said to her: "What Relaxation Mediation
Learn how to meditate are you crying mom? In a few days it'll grow back!" And this is what happened. After a few days the left finger of the left hand of the little girl was all right.

As we grow up we are given so many limitations from our parents, teachers, the media, friends and acquaintances that hold us back to reach our full potential throughout our entire life.

It is time that we change our believes to use more of our full potential. We can learn and exercise to grow from the inside out. How long it takes is individual. It depends on how deep false believes are set in your subconscious mind, how long and how much you have to work on it.

As Broer says: We know everything and we are able to make everything possible, we only have to get open for it and allow it.

In his speech Broer mentions Michael Persingers work about this topic.

I wish you to reach your full potential soon.


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Belief System


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