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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


Subliminal Recordings are a Powerful Method to Improve

My Experience With Subliminal Recordings Combined With Hypnosis

I have made the experience that it is easy to change certain habits and not so easy with others. I have used hypnosis and subliminals in the past few months, which were targeted to certain areas of life, but other areas of my life have also changed in a positive way.

I have listened to one hypnosis recording once a day for 30 days. I put the labtop near to my bed and turned the MP3 with the hypnsosis on, short before I switched off the light to then sleep. I used hypnosis recordings by Seve G. Jones, which are made that you fall asleep after the hypnosis recording is finished. I always slept wonderfully.

I used to work and read long into the night and so I slept too long. I love the morning and tried to get up early, but without success. I have actually given up on getting up early. I have listened to a hypnosis, which had nothing to do with this issue. But during this month, I suddenly got up at a time, where the morning is so beautiful, just the way I enjoy it. I call it: Getting up when the day starts. Except some birds singing, it is silent.

Early in the morning, I am most productive and work most efficiently. Whoever of you gets up early, will know that this is the most productive time. In an hour during the early morning, I do more as during one hour in the afternoon. I remember that my father used to go to the office early in the morning and he came home for lunch and he took a nap afterwards. Also he explained that working in the morning is more efficient as in the afternoon. He said: “When the first employee comes, I have done quite a bit of my office work.” My father was a very successful entrepreneur.

People who start to work early in the morning are usually more successful as people who are late risers and start to work a bit later.

If you want to work more efficiently, start early in the morning. You can then take a break afterwards.

But back to hypnosis and subliminal recordings (MP3 downloads). If you choose a hypnosis recording to change a certain habit, you will experience changes in other parts of your life. So when you want to change your life profoundly, it is best to change one targeted part after the other. With each step of your life change it will be easer, because with every step following your life change plan, you already change in many other areas of your life, without effort.

I can say that hypnosis and subliminals work and they work with an incredible efficiency, though you have to listen to one specific hypnosis or subliminal recording for at least 30 days once each day.

What is your experience with hypnosis and with subliminal mp3 downloads? Are you on the way to change your life? And how do you get on with your life change? Do you have a life change plan? And are you following that plan in a step by step way?

Using Subliminals is so easy. You only have to let a subliminal play. It is best when you are relaxec while the subliminal plays. But you can also work online or offline while you listen to a subliminal. When you choose a silent subliminal, you can listen to music of your choice, watch a video or tv.

If you want to change several characteristics about yourself, subliminals are most helpful. Make it a habit listening to a subliminal daily. With the weeks and months you will change your life immensely and in a positive way. Try it, you will be positively surprised.

Read more about > Subliminals and choose a Subliminal


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