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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


The Law of Manifesting

The Law of Manifesting says that you can manifest whatever you wish.

Do you believe that to get a wish fulfilled or a goal achieved you only need to visualize it for a certain period of time and suddenly it will materialize? This is not much more than wishful thinking. What is missing?
You not only need to focus your thoughts on what you want to accomplish, but you also have to act.

If you use Wish Videos, which is an effective munifestation tool, your subconscious mind is reprogrammed and with little effort you will do the necessary actions that are leading to the manifestation of your intended goals and desires. The same goes for subliminals. But still both tools are supportive, make everything much easier, but do not take all the effort from you.

The phases of actions: You will start to determine your goals, and then generate the energetic momentum for manifesting the goal. Let me call the energetic momentum this euphoric feeling that is responsible for your vibration, that fills your thinking and fuels your actions. This is how to manifest. This is how to transcend into the world and the life you really want.

Quantum physics explains that everything is made of vibrating energy in a state of unlimited potential. Thoughts are non-physical realities, produced by our neurological circuits, that can manifest in the physical world. To manifesting our thoughts into matter we need to focus the energy of your thoughts through a precise sequence of actions

You can change your life into whatever direction you wish. Your current life situation is a direct result of your past thoughts and actions, and only you can change it. Would you think back of what you often thought, you could explain to yourself everything that has happened.

But don’t lose your time on the past. Invest it into the future. Think about how you really want to life. Find images that represent your dream life.

Once you have decided on how exactly you want to live and have learned how to get there, no one will be able to hinder or stop you from fulfilling your dream. Manifesting with the support of the Manifestation Code is the vehicle that will transport you from your current to your desired way of life. Learn manifesting and you will be able to manifest whatever you wish.

You can train your mind to focus and direct your energy to create the life that you have planned to live. Breath control, visualization and rituals are integral parts designed to sense and harness these subtle energies. One very interesting feature is the use of symbols and rituals. Symbols and rituals are the language of the unconscious mind that I often call your build in genie.

Symbols work, as they stand for images representing a desire, and our unconscious mind understands images best. Healers work with symbols and so often get great results. Think that in several cultures the writing is not done by letters, but by symbols representing a certain word or word phrase. This was the case in old Egypt or in China and Japan.

Think of a smiley that everyone around the world understands. Would you write the word out, people who don’t understand English would not understand it. But they understand a smiley. What should not surprise you, is, that the moment someone sees a smiley, he begins to smile. He perceives a smiling face and the body reacts to it and the person smiles back. Smiling changes the vibration of people. This is why and how symbols and rituals work so very well.

You might have a personal symbol for wealth, for happiness, for love and for everything else you want to manifest. Using them will make it easier manifesting your wishes, desires and goals. When you have a wish, think what represents that wish for you. Wealth might be represented by a large house, a butler, a cook and a maid, an expensive car and a driver, a private jet, designer clothes and more. But think that wealth goes hand in hand with success. One doesn’t work out without the other. So you have to pack both, wealth and success into you wish-package.

The next step is focusing your thoughts into the direction of your planned life change and taking action. Thoughts and images are the trigger for the emotion that will activate a certain vibration that is of utmost importance. This is similar with getting the right radio station or the right station on youtube to hear a certain song – you look for it until you get the right frequency. Switch your thoughts to the right station, this will change the frequency of your vibration and that will result in manifesting your wish into your reality.

Manifesting whatever you wish can be learned. It is not difficult. The moment you understand what you have to do, you will be able to manifest faster and faster. Though you must know that everything needs a certain minimum of time from the first thought until it becomes matter Every seed planted takes a certain time until a plant grows out of it. The seed is the thought that needs to be nourished.


More about the subject
The Universal Laws
The Law of Vibration
The Forgotten Laws
The Law of Attraction works
The Vacuum Law of Prosperity


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